Shit guys, my phone was dead for five hours and I get bombarded with texts. annoyed as I am, though, it's nice to feel needed. =P
Oh man, I have to have an essay done by tomorrow night and I don't even have an idea for a topic. I keep pushing the boundary on insane procrastination. I'm a little freaked out. Ok, more than a little. If anyone has read Watchmen, PLEASE LEAVE ME THESES IN THE COMMENTS. Otherwise I'm completely and figuratively screwed.
And another thing: today I learned if all you eat all day is a bagel, a slice of pizza, and a fruit cup, and you attempt to drink an iced caramel latte, you'll get dizzy and faint and want to throw up. Not that it happened to me or anything.
(But the latte was delicious.)
I was talking with some friends from band about how SyFy original movies are (according to Misha Collins) meant to be watched drunk, and one of them said something along the lines of, "I wonder what it would be like to watch a movie while drunk". Everyone agreed that it would probably be an interesting experience. It's awesome to know that other college people don't drink.
Mustard Plug on Friday! I love seeing Mustard Plug. And it's sure to be awesome, because this cool punk-rockabilly sort of group Al and the Black Cats is opening, along with The Pinstripes, who need no introduction. You know, even if I didn't always have a ton of fun at MP shows, I would keep going if only because I like to support the group that, in my mind, is single-handedly responsible for ska still being ALIVE and well today. If you don't know why I think this, check out the Ska is Dead tour on google or whatever you youngins do on the internets. Screw this essay, I'm ready to skank, skank, skank the night away (ala Van Halen and/or Forces of Evil)!
I keep getting new followers on tumblr. For some odd reason, the only time I gain followers is when I'm not posting. Hear that? It's the sound of my ego deflating.
I want to search for some Supernatural icons on LJ, but the search tool is awful now. I like the way it used to be...ahh, nostalgia...which brings me full-circle to my Watchmen paper. I want to write it on Nostalgia, but I don't know what it means...grrr. This has got to be the most complex piece of literature I've ever had to analyze. Hear that? I called it literature. I've read graphic novels before, and didn't like them because they didn't utilize the panels--they were pointless and distracting and gimmicky. The panels in Watchmen are just as important as the captions. It's a well-written book, that's for sure.
Six minutes until St. Patrick's Day...which means six minutes until my roommates start drinking. This'll be a fun day...