Title: Candy Camera [3/3]
kuriositet and Janice <3
Pairing: Gerard - Frank/Bob
Rating: PG13?
Warning: Voyeurism, implied sex, some languague.
Disclaimer: My characters. Their own names and looks.
Summary: Gerard has a camera and loves his art. Frank and Bob seem to be his victims, but are they?
Author’s Note: 150 drabble.
Previous. Gerard plays fucking voyeurism with the bearded couple again, but there are no foggy glasses now. There aren’t two floors and a street in between. He invades their privacy, their room and their bed, to watch the scene through his flashes and feel the maximum turn-on of knowing that art. There are the beards and the buttocks again, and it’s even more frenetic, with true moans and gasps, pleased pleads and groans sounding from between the sheets. There are glinting eyes staring at his camera, bent legs in beautiful angles and eyelids flicked open and closed so gracefully. Gerard takes photographs of his heaven inside a bedroom. When it’s over, he still takes pictures; How do they look? Frank asks him, and Bob winks at Gerard, who presses his finger for the final flash.
He smirks violently at the lying couple. They’re perfect beards and buttocks on my Candy Camera.