Free hat please

Oct 22, 2008 19:02

* You must really want a free hat, and to know the maker of these hats

There is nothing I want more at this moment, for my head is cold and the maker intrigues me.

* You must become a member of [info]happy_citizens

I have done so!

* You must make a post of what makes you happy, how your happiness can be improved through being given a new hat, and who originally lost their hat

Many things make me happy - hot coco on cold days, my girlfriend, a warm head, thanking people. A new hat will help me warm my head, allowing me to make a trip to my girlfriend for coco on a cold day. Knowing who makes the hats will allow me to thank him thus satisfying all my worldly happiness needs!

* You must include your AIM handle on the aforementioned post. You will then be contacted by [info]fire_trucks, the advocate for the [info]happy_citizens.

psssst. it's Tony6785

* You must swear undying allegiance to the [info]happy_citizens, and that you will never eat rice or dry an Eastern European car ever again

I do so solemnly swear. I have never driven an Eastern Euro car to begin with and shall never do so.

* Finally, you must not broadcast who made the hats, or why these hats were made.

I do so solemnly swear this as well.
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