The return of ACENSPAM: Electric Boogaloo

May 26, 2011 20:53

 Oh boy, Acen. Where to start. 
I'm going to be posting all the photos at the bottom (in no particular order), just because my LJ cut is a stupid bitch.

Well, Ellie, Greta, Andrew, Sparky (Ellie's current boyfriend), and I drove down on Thursday to get our badges to avoid the zerg rush on Friday, when the con actually started. We met up with some of Sparky's friends from Madison, who were very nice. One guy, Ben, actually ditched his friends for most of the weekend and hung out with us instead. He gave me the nickname Space, because I kept quoting from Portal 2. (it also sort of befits my nature as well, haha)

Friday was spent mostly in the dealer's room, and staring at cosplayers that have way more talent than me. 
I don't know if I need to say it, but cons are the most insane and unpredictable places ever. Most people were cosplaying from anime or video games, but pretty much anything goes when you're there.

There were actually tons more Doctor Who cosplayers than I had anticipated. I had thought I would be, like, the only one there. But there were various doctors, incuding a massive group. 
Me: Doctor!
Four: Doctor! 
Me: Doctor!
Tens: Doctor!
Master: Doctor., this is awkward.

I also got to look at yaoi doujins with the Jack Harkness cosplayer (who was a girl)
Me: Jack. Why am I not surprised?
Jack: Speak for yourself, Doctor.
Me: Hey, I haven't had sex in like 700 years.
Jack: I could fix that. (eyebrow waggle)
Me: I bet you could. (eyebrow waggle right back)

I saw them at a panel later, which prompted me to take another photo with them, since Greta's Rose costume did not go as planned. (the girl was actually dressed as Ianto, but she agreed to be saxon!Master for me). 
There was also a steampunk panel, which gave me SO many costume ideas. I actually had to grab a piece of paper to sketch them down. I'm always like that whenever I get really good ideas. Good thing my Sonic Screwdriver doubles as a pen. XD

At night we went to the kareoke panel and stayed for most of the evening. I sang "Still Alive" and my friends did the Time Warp. At midnight, to "celebrate" the Rapture, we all sang along to "It's the End Of the World as We Know It", by REM.
Host: Well, it's past midnight, and I think we're gonna be O-(falls over)
We all kept joking about the rapture (see the Jesus cosplayer below) that weekend. Besides, we figured congoers would be pretty able to handle a zombie invasion anyway.

On Saturday I dressed in my Mari outfit (that's in the mirror) and went early to Cosplay Chess, where a live game of chess was acted out by cosplayers in character. In the end, Lelouch beat Xemnas.
We bought some more stuff and went to panels. I waited in line for a lemon-writing panel for about half an hour (it's always a good idea to get to panels an hour before they start, especially at big cons like Acen) before realizing I didn't have my ID with me. So I had to scramble to find everyone else in line for the rave. That was not fun. I stayed at the rave for a while and danced, but I left pretty early. Loud noises, big crowds, and flashing lights usually don't sit well with me for long periods of time.

On Sunday, we all packed up and went home. We were all tired and pretty much ready to leave, but it was still sad to leave behind such a warm and wonderful atmosphere. But the day was warm, and Ellie's car was playing Boondock Saint's soundtrack-it was a perfect ending credits moment.

The only downsides were less interesting panels, and Andrew getting a brief bout of food poisoning. But all things considered, everything turned out quite well. :)

This one's mainly for Charlotte, lol.

picspam, acen, friends

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