I've been to the Sawgrass mall, David's Bridal, the Boca Mall, and Coral Square today. Just because I've been freaking out that I'm not going to have a dress I put two on hold. I don't love either of them but I feel like Im just going to have to settle.
But just remember that all your friends and more importantly Casey love you no matter what.
Tina's got it. Case will love you in anything. and I know that's not the same thing as you loving you in what you're wearing but let me just say that I think you're completely gorgeous and perfect just the way you are.
Prom will be fun. I'll find a way to make it fun damnit!
Mere's comment made me think of Billy Joel's "Just the Way You Are." If I were as cool as Dimitri and didn't know you most likely already have it, I'd say go download it. ;)
I know the title of your entry is just a jumble of random letters but if you sit there an try and pronounce it I can almost guarantee you'll at least giggle a little.
Comments 8
I've been to the Sawgrass mall, David's Bridal, the Boca Mall, and Coral Square today. Just because I've been freaking out that I'm not going to have a dress I put two on hold. I don't love either of them but I feel like Im just going to have to settle.
But just remember that all your friends and more importantly Casey love you no matter what.
Prom will be fun. I'll find a way to make it fun damnit!
And this I promise from the heart
I couldn't love you any better
I love you just the way you are <3
you are going.
and you will look amazing.
smileeeee! (:
i love you all.
what am i going to do without you all!!??
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