I have made 13 New Year's Resolutions. The pressure is ON! I've got a whole year to achieve them tho, you gotta cut yourself some slack.
1) New job - contract is up in 17 weeks as it stands. There's a possibility it will be extended but i almost don't want it to be - yes, i hate my job so much that unemployment is starting to look attractive. Who needs food or heating? At least i'll be FREE! Have already had an interview - didn't get the job, but only cos the guy gave it to his friend, which he actually *admitted* to me!!
2) New house - i can bear it no longer, i need my own space. Am currently viewing cheap, dingy flats all over Liverpool. Actually some of them aren't too bad, TBH. You can get something pretty swanky for £400 pcm, but unfortunately my budget is about £300 pcm (yes, i realise that down south this would only pay for half a room if i was lucky haha). Luckily i have quite low standards. Is it better to live somewhere where people are regularly shot or where they are burgled? I reckon shot; i've not joined a gang yet so probably wouldn't be targeted... ;) burglary, on the other hand, is random.
3) Take up a new sport - i used to go running but the pain was immense (related to health problems i won't go into) so i had to quit. Thinking about swimming, seeing as there's a brand new olympic size pool at the end of my road, waiting to be utilised.
4)Read more - this one is going well.
5) Write more - this one is sort of going well (not really writing the right things!)
6) Practise Russian more - am now halfway through the course with exams looming *panics*. This one was going badly but picked up today when i conjugated some verbs :)
7) Go to bed earlier *looks at time* this one isn't going so well. However, part b) is to get up earlier and have breakfast and leave myself more time, and that one is happening. So the net result is: i get about 4 hours sleep.
There are some more but i'm keeping them to myself.
Anyone else tormenting themselves in this way? ;)