i dont know why i wrote that, it just came to mind. all by myself. Bout time you wrote something, damn woman, forever. I hope you do come back to school, cause when you do, i am going to beat you to death with my shoe. i am really not wanting to go to work. i am in the school's library and i dont want to do research. 'sigh' so, hows it going. shorty is back in town. 'sigh' yep. she was over for like two days straight, didnt leave to go to sleep or nothing. It is like she wants the security but none of the responsablity. Havent seen her in like three days now though, probably cause i like went out on saturday with stinky pete and didnt ivite her. darn, she'll get over it. Well, get us a call some time, i do all the calling around here, damn it, ;) talk to you later
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