alright, so lately i've noticed a big change in my physical appearance. yeah, i've always noticed that i was shrinking, but moreso in the past couple of weeks since everyone started calling me "skinny" and thinking i weight 130lbs and wear a size 8-10. (btw, im not quite that small) so i decided to do a before an after show-and-tell thingy.
first pic is of me and leigh, taken back in, um, '02 i was maybe 255lbs then.
2nd pic was taken recently (with my new haircut) at approx 155lbs.
i saw my dad a few weekends ago for probably the 2nd time this year, heh, and he said he couldnt recognize me. it's like no one knows me anymore because i look so different. and im starting not to recognize myself either no matter how long i stare at myself in the mirror. i just have to get used to me all over again. it's like an identity crisis of sorts, 'cept i know who i am inside, just the outside keeps changing. i like the new me, though. especially when it comes to clothes shopping. i can go into any store and try on anything. :P
speaking of clothes.... i hate being short because i cant find any kind of pants in an "S" length. average/regular lengths are way too long for me. i end up having to do weird cuffing or just let em hang over the heels of my feet and walk on em. i hate that. so to all the designers out there, MAKE PANTS SHORT ENOUGH FOR THE VERTICALLY CHALLENGED FOLKS!!!