I only have a few minutes and scanned through most of the entry, but it's fascinating. When I have more time, I'm going to have to reply more thoroughly. You made some interesting points. And as far as the HP stuff.... a very good way to put it. I'll comment more on how I think it turned out and how your speculations make me feel better. lol.
R.A.B. is probably Sirius' younger brother, who used to be a Death Eater. That's my theory... it fits, anyway. He wanted out of the Death Eaters, and he's dead. So, that's why I think it's him. Plus it would be a way for her to write Sirius back in for a chapter or so, and I can't imagine that she won't use such an important character.
Plus, if R.A.B. isn't the younger Black brother, why would she have made it a point to mention him in one of the earlier books?
Comments 3
But I do enjoy the subext in media, heh, it´s all I do as a fangirl, look for subtext.
Plus, if R.A.B. isn't the younger Black brother, why would she have made it a point to mention him in one of the earlier books?
Anyhow, hope you're well.
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