How to use corrections

Dec 04, 2012 11:49

Here's another Lang8 post. This one is a bit more Lang8-specific than usual (how to utilize the site), so I'll put it under a cut.

添削の使い方 How To Use Corrections

このサイトで皆さんの素晴らしい添削を貰います。I receive a lot of great corrections from people on this site.

その代わり、私は英語の添削をします。In exchange, I make corrections in English.

でも、どうやって添削を使えばいいかと思います。However, I don't know how to effectively make use of these corrections.

今まででは、添削を読んで、「なるほど」と思います。Until now, I read the corrections I received, and thought "Oh, I see".

でも、添削の内容をすぐ忘れてしまいます。But (soon after reading them), I forgot what was fixed in those corrections.

例えば、適当な添削を貰ったなのに、私はこの作文でも「が」と「は」を間違えるでしょう。For example, even though I keep receiving corrections on this topic, I probably have mixed up が and は in this very entry.

そうすると、皆さんが書いてくれた念入りの添削が台無しになってしまいますね。By doing so, it's as if everyone's careful corrections (on my entries) are put to waste.

添削の事を忘れないように、皆さんはどうやって添削を使いますか?How do you use the corrections that you receive so that you don't forget them?

私は「暗記」という勉強用のコンピューターと携帯電話のアップを使います。I use a computer and cell phone program for studying that's called 'Anki'.

漢字や日本語の言葉の勉強でも使います。I also use it for studying kanji and Japanese words.

「添削」と言う新しいカードのデックを作りました。I made a new deck of cards (they are like flashcards) called 'corrections'.

このデックのカードは下記のようです。The cards in the deck are as below:


前の記事の文です。This is a sentence from one of my previous entries (on Lang8).

あの記事を書いた時、「が」の代わりに「は」を間違えていました。When I wrote this sentence originally, I mixed up が and は.

答え側に「が」は読みやすい字に書いてありました。On the answer side, I wrote が in (bold) easy to read text (to make reviewing easier).

この手で添削を練習して、添削の事を学なびたいです。In this way, I review my corrections, and try to learn the correct ways to write sentences like these.

効率的か分かりませんが、他の効果がなくても添削された文をよく読むことになります。I don't know if it will be effective or not, but even if there's no other effect (of adding these sentences to the deck and studying them), I'll at least see the corrected sentences more often (and internalize the correct way to say that sentence).

こんな勉強方法は利くと思いますか?Do you think this method will work?


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