ok...gonna start posting pix =]] gonna take a while tho cuz i have like 40 pictures =]P
steph and me are dorks =]
i'll miss ya over the summer stephers! have a great vacation in vietnam! and i told you that you would laugh at the note i put in your yearbook=]] haha that was from like the wayyy beginning of the year XD
sneha and grace! have a fantastic summer you two! see ya next year! =]
haha what are you doing sitting up there martin? well see ya tomorrow at the banquet!!
kelvin, vivek, and austin! i think austin was the only one ready for this pix XDD have fun over the summerr!
lol hecka ppl here, ok um abhinav, chay, krish, praveen, bekah, irene, pk, and kat
ireners!!!!!!! our health presentation rockedddd XDXD RIGHT!!...NO... LEFT! have an awesome summer, my 'inifinitely sweet' friend!=]]
kelvin!! i'll see ya next year!!
haha william XDXD having fun with that rubber band ehh? see ya next yearr!
kevin, alex, nick!! you guys are so awesomeeee
jeff and grace, haha nice face expression jeff =]]
aww poor william =[[ awwad really likes making people stress out doesnt he?? well no moreeeee of him!! woot =]] well mr awwads cool, but too much memorizing in his class...way too much
me and pk! haha we were so hyper! have fun in india! and have a great birthday =]]
lol jeff and grace again, nice expression jeff
don, not letting me take a picture =]P
christine! =]]
sarah!! haha fun times in pe =]P
krish and sarah
this time daniel, not letting me take a picture =]P
irene, sarah, krish
bekahh!!! it was great in english, pe, and badminton!! i have to go to interlude againn =]] maybe tomorrow, i gotta ask tho, i want to see your dance =]
kat and irene!
being weird =]]
and still being weird =]] haha j/k i'll see ya tomorrow at the banquet
christine! haha it was great in bio, funny times
me and dennica
nitin in the back, min and timothy
guang!!! bestest badminton player everr =D see ya on saturday at ubc!!
lol i have more, but i'll post more laterr =]]
have a great summer everybody!
<3 momo