Bwahhahaha! This is awesome! My grandpa wanted to get me something for my birthday rather than just giving me only money so I'm getting my signed copy of the Hawksley Workman dvd! Except we don't have a dvd player yet :( So I guess I'll be watching (some of) it on the computer. I'm excited!! It's signed!!!My teef hurt. Stupid dental hygenist. She
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mmmmm...birthday cake for breakfast :) that's the best thing about the day after my birthday, except that it's my 7 month anniversary with richie of course :)
the worst thing about the day after my birthday: i have a dentist appointment at 9:00am and my gums have been bleeding lately. :\
Created by BourdiezFreak and taken 14365 times on bzoink! Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Matthew GoodAre you female or male:Song for the girlDescribe yourself:In a world called catasropheHow do some people feel about you:Bright end of nowhereHow do you feel about yourself:Double lifeDescribe
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