1. Go
2. Pass it on.
1.~How did you meet
dreamofendless? Friends with my old roomate and current band mate.
2.~What would you do if you had never met
diable? Cry myself to sleep every night.
3.~What do you honestly think of
dreamofendless? Cool guy, speaks like an English lord.
4.~Would or did
dreamofendless and
dreamofendless go out? wtf.
5.~Have you ever liked
jeanettex? Wow. That's a coincidence...
huntedbyafreak died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? I'll see him in hell.
behaviourist and
madochere make a good couple? Seriously doubt it. I've been wrong before though.
dreamofendless in 3 words: Nice haircut John.
9.~Do you think
dreamofendless is hot? Yes. A bit.
huntedbyafreak and
dreamofendless make a lovely couple? lolzer.
11.~What do you think of when you see
dreamofendless? Your mom.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about
madochere: She drove on a golf course once.
13.~Do you know any of
deadwolfbones's family members? I've seen one on concert.
dreamofendless's favorite color? Magenta.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is
dreamofendless? wtf are all these questions about John?
16.~What would you do if
cantcureherpes just professed their undying love for you? Start drinking heavily.
17.~What language does
dreamofendless speak? The language of latin.
18.~Who is
dreamofendless going out with? Nobody right now, I think. But with the sexy new haircut its only a matter of time. Go get em John.
dreamofendless a boy or a girl? Boy.
dreamofendless and
cantcureherpes make a good couple? No.
21.~Who do you think
dreamofendless would be great with from this list? Seeing how there's only two girls and I'm dating one of them, I'd have to say DJ.
22.~When was the last time you talked to
dreamofendless? Yesterday maybe?
23.~What is
jeanettex's favorite band? Every Time I Die maybe? I wish it was fucking pavement.
behaviourist have any siblings? No idear.
25.~Would you ever date
deadwolfbones? If i was gay hell yeah.
26.~Would you ever date
dreamofendless? If i was gay maybe.
dreamofendless single? Dude i dunno wtf.
28.~What is
dreamofendless's last name? Reck, like Recking ball.
29.~What is
dreamofendless's middle name? Danger.
30~What is
dreamofendless's fantasy? John is overrepresented on this survey.
31.~Where does
dreamofendless live? RH1.
32.~Would you make out with
dreamofendless? ...
diable and
deadwolfbones best friends? Yeah bff you better believe it.
dreamofendless like
dreamofendless? I hope so.
35.~How did you meet
dreamofendless? oh fuck off.
dreamofendless older than you? Roger.
dreamofendless the sexiest person alive? sure why the fuck not.