Supernatural RPF or RPS *shrugs* fic: Jensen is...

Jun 29, 2008 18:35

Title: Jensen is...
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG (language)
Category: Gen or Slash (depends on what mood you're in)
Word Count: 296
Characters/Pairings: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles
Disclaimer: A product of my imagination but I bet you 10 dollas this is pretty damn close to reality.
Warning: Cursing
Summary: Jensen is such a phony. No wonder he became an actor. He is so good at it, Days of Our Lives and Devour notwithstanding. Note to self, watch that again because giving him shit about that never gets old.
Notes: Companion piece to Jared is….

Jensen is such a phony. No wonder he became an actor. He is so good at it, Days of Our Lives and Devour notwithstanding. Note to self, watch that again because giving him shit about that never gets old.

He walks around like he’s so cool, so sophisticated like he was born that way. Which he obviously wasn’t because have you seen that one picture of him with Jessica Simpson and he’s got on that black mesh or whatever shirt? Holy shit that is hilarious.

Anyway, really early on I sometimes wanted to kick his ass, which I totally could do because hello, I’m way bigger than him. Hell, I’m bigger than Jeff. Anyway, he’d show up at events, didn’t matter what, looking perfect, wearing some Dolce & Gabanna shirt and Seven jeans, hair perfectly coifed or whatever the fuck the hair girls call it. I’d be in whatever, which contrary to popular belief I did not pick up off the floor. It just looks like that the iron and I aren’t on good terms. Never really were to be honest. And my hair would be all little crazy. Blame my mama for that.

And then he’d be all quiet and reserved, sometimes coming off a little like a dick. And when he did talk, you could tell he’d thought about his answers. No off the cuff shit. So I’d be like, ‘Dude, loosen the fuck up.’ Which he does, he just has to know you first. So in public he’s all Rico Suave (whatever happened to that guy?) but with me he’s a bigger goofball than I am.

Dude, I swear. I’ve got photographic evidence thanks to my friends Jose, Jim and Jack. He’s lucky I love him or they’d be all over youtube.

Here's the pic Jared refers to.
I found this on miss_begonia   's LJ. Thank god he's come a long way. that.

rpf/one way ticket to hell, rps/hellbound fo sho

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