gatheringlightfor the heads up.
Title: you've just got to fall
Rating: G
Fandoms: Prison Break/Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Veronica Donovan/Sam Winchester
Category: Het
Disclaimer: I would love it if I owned SPN. PB? Not so much.
Summary: She wants to be careful with her heart because it’s been broken way too many times before.
Notes: Imagine if you will: Vee went to Stanford. I started this a while ago. I've been just waiting around to either make it longer or just post it when the opportunity presented itself. Even though I reposted my fic here, check out the others. There are some great ones.
love is a thing, well, its kind of like quicksand:
the more you are in it, the deeper you sink.
and when it hits you, you've just got to fall.
He’s tall but lanky. He’s got dark hair but it’s long, shaggy, just this side of ridiculous so girls, including her, think he’s cute. That’s all they have in common.
She hates herself a little. For immediately going there, comparing this guy to Lincoln. It’s natural. It’s a reflex. She hopes to grow out of it one day.
She wants to be careful with her heart because it’s been broken way too many times before. He’s got secrets: he doesn’t talk about his family and he has these little rituals. She can’t help it though. Not when he smiles at her like that. She can’t help but invade his space and feel his warmth deep in her bones.
She feels tiny next to him but not insignificant. She could never feel that way with him. He’s too interested in her, her life before Stanford and what she does when he’s not around.
It feels strange this thing with him. She’s gotten over the comparing thing and being careful with her heart. And the whole size thing. It feels strange talking to him about things she never talked with Linc about. And so okay, the comparing thing isn’t completely over. She talked to Linc about certain things and to Michael about other things: School. Art. Books.
What Sam knows about history and religion surprises her. She’s in awe of him. It makes her fall in love with him even more.
She gets it all. In one man.
He doesn’t go home, says he never really had one, moved too much to put down roots. Then corrects himself and says, ‘Wherever you are is home.’
She knows he means it. It’s not just some line to get her to stay.
He doesn’t need to know she wasn’t leaving anyway.