Title: I Will Help You Find Your Way
scarletscarletType: Gen (AU)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Tamara, Cassie, OCs
Warnings: Some language. Some gore.
Spoilers: If you've seen Route 666 and The Magnificent Seven, you're fine.
Summary: Tamara takes it, feels the fresh calluses and remembers. Tamara and Cassie hunt.
Notes: I got the idea for the story from
here. Title from
Sisters in Arms by Calaisa. Unbeta'ed because real life just didn't allow for it to happen. Credit to the following sites:
Supernatural Wikia;
Four, and
Five about the MOTW. (DON'T CLICK ON LINKS 1-5 UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE SPOILED!!) Huge thanks to
casper_san for organizing
heroinebigbang and
scarletscarlet for the awesome art!
Part 1 -
Part 2 Master Art Link