
Jul 07, 2005 15:45

Your Slanguage Profile
Aussie Slang: 50%Southern Slang: 50%Victorian Slang: 50%Prison Slang: 25%British Slang: 0%Canadian Slang: 0%New England Slang: 0%

What Slanguage Do You Speak?

Slow and Steady
Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

How Do People See You?

Your Sexy Brazilian Name Is

Cintia Coelho

What's Your Sexy Brazilian Name?

You Think Michael Jackson Is Guilty

Q: What did Michael Jackson say when a boy in a car mooned him going down the road?
A: "I'll be there!"

The Tasteless Michael Jackson Joke Generator

Your Summer Anthem is Best Of You by the Foo Fighters

I've got another confession my friend
I'm no fool
I'm getting tired of starting again
Somewhere new

While you may seem bright on the outside, your insides have a distinct angst flavor.

What's Your 2005 Summer Anthem?

Your Daddy Is OJ

What You Call Him: Daddy Dearest
Why You Love Him: He takes you to church

Who's Your Daddy?

You are dreamy, peaceful, and young at heart.
Optimistic and caring, you tend to see the best in people.
You tend to be always smiling - and making others smile.

You are shy and intelligent... and a very hard worker.
You're also funny, but many people don't see your funny side.
Your subtle dry humor leaves your close friends in stitches.

The World's Shortest Personality Test

You Are 34% American
America: You don't love it or want to leave it.
But you wouldn't mind giving it an extreme make over.
On the 4th of July, you'll fly a freak flag instead...
And give Uncle Sam a sucker punch!

How American Are You?

quizzes galore!

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