... in which I realize that it's been way too long since the last entry. again. *sweatdrop*
- First and foremost: I'm going on vacation Sunday night through Thursday night. Whoo! The boy and I are going skiing/snowboarding. *grins* I can't wait! I won't really have internet access, so things will have to wait until I get back. Let me know if there's something I shouldn't miss, kay?
- I'm finally working on the very last paper that isn't my master thesis. Go me? ^^;;;
- I finished Vampire Knight, and I'm kind of ok with the ending.... I think.
- I'm up to date with Skip Beat.
- I haven't watched any of the new shows except for the second season of Natsume (OMG, SO MUCH LOVE ♥♥! I can't put into words just how much I love that show. ^_^)
- I'm working on finishing Macross Frontier - I found out that it's quite fun to use the home trainer at the boy's place while watching anime on the big screen tee-vee...*smirk*
- have I ever mentioned that I LOVE my apartment? XD 'Cause I really do. I've been doing quite a bit of rearranging and painting furniture and accessories, and it's coming along EXACTLY the way I want it. ♥
- I'm going out for dinner tonight with the boy's family as it's his mom's birthday, and apparently there's a surprise planned...*curious!*
- I miss reading fanfic.
- I might have lost about 300 GB of anime...-.-" my HD seems to be broken. I need to bring it to the shop when I get back from vacation. right now I'm just NOT THINKING ABOUT IT! *is in denial*
- Apart from the vacation, I'm ready for spring. seriously. I'm sick of being cold.
- I miss Japanese food like crazy. T_T
- I've been getting up between 5 and 5.45am lately and it agrees with me. I feel rarely tired during the day (except when I'm supposed to read boring articles^^;) and I like seeing the beginning of the day. However, I'm longing for it to get light outside around 6am again...
- I owe emails to various people....*sigh* I'll get to those eventually.
- And now there's nothing more to do for me at work, so I think I'll tidy up the place and leave. ^_^
Have a wonderful day, everyone!