I haven't had the time to sort through the vacation pics yet, so you get a meme first...
F-LIST meme:
1. Next to each number, write the name of the person who fits.
2. Answer one question with one name or more.
3. Don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme.
meme time! )
Comments 20
I'd ask to do it just to find out the question but I doubt I have enuff ppl on my flist to answer all 25, there'd be lots of repeats.
I don't think repeats would be a problem...^^; you can always leave some blank if you really can't come up with someone suitable...
Ich hoff ihr seid gut nach Haus gekommen?
Still wanna play?
Und ja, alles wieder wie eh und je. BUSYBUSYBUSY!
Und, war der Schaden gross, jetzt da man's wahrscheinlich etwas besser abschätzen kann?
ehem....so I fail at replying to comments. still wanna play? ^^;
Also...do you have a new address now? just so I know where to send stuff that I'm supposed to send out. *cough*
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