happines is...

Aug 31, 2011 13:34

♥ wood strawberries ♥

Fragaria vesca, commonly called wild strawberry, wood strawberry, or woodland strawberry, is a plant that grows naturally throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Other names for this species include alpine strawberry, fraises des bois, and European strawberry.


I love strawberries in general, but there is something very special about the sweet taste of wood strawberries, especially fresh from my the garden. ♥
When I moved into the new apartment last year, wood strawberry plants were among the first new plants I got. ^_^

They also remind me of summer vacations at my grandparents' house by the lake, where the flowerbeds had wood strawberry plants here and there along the edges...

after dicking around for the first half of august, summer decided on a last spurt of showing us real summer, so we got a good week of just that - sunshine and (for us) very high temperatures (30-35°C every day). even though I had to work most of the time, I very much enjoyed being able to sit outside until 10pm in just shorts and a tank top ♥ and I got to wear most of my lovely summer dresses at least once! :D

but, man, did my plants need a lot of water. >.<

then we had a temperature drop of over 15°C within about 2 hours last Friday, and now we're back to a very comfortable late summer weather (20-25°C) with cold nights (it drops down to about 10°C).

it's just too bad that the days are already noticeably shorter again...

anyway, have a wonderful day, everyone! ♥♥

food, stock photography, fruit, happiness is...

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