Fra boken Japans historie av Arne Kalland:
[Provinsene] var et sted hvortil man kunne bli forvist, og det var stor forståelse [i aristokratiet] for at en statsmann som Sugawara Michizane (843 - 903)kunne dø i eksil simpelthen av lengsel etter hovedstaden. Etter sin død hjemsøkte han landet og fikk skylden for en rekke ulykker. Til sist så
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Comments 2
IBM requested parts from a trial project, with the specification “We will accept three defective parts per ten thousand.” The Japanese manufactured the parts, and sent them with a note: “We, the Japanese people, had a hard time understanding North American business practices. But the three defective parts per 10,000 have been separately manufactured and have been included in the consignment. Hope this pleases you.”
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