Apr 01, 2010 00:54

[ Video ]

[Alice is sitting in front of the camera but looking away from it, refusing to make eye contact. You'll notice she is also covered in blood.]

I don't see what the big fuss was all about. It was just a stupid animal.

[A moment of silence. then under her breath and barely audible]

Stupid, useless "friends". So pointless.

[ /Video ]

[Backdated like whoa. Didn't really have time to throw this up earlier. ;;
She went out, grabbed the first lamb she saw and cut it open with her scythe, then dragged it back to the apartment and threw it at the door. Literally. Her treatment of the creature was in part due to the fact that she sees no reason to hesitate when killing something, but also in part because she's angry. Really angry. (Courtesy of one water knight that isn't even here :<) Hence why she's lookig away. Those that know her might notice, those that don't, beware. Apartment mates, if one of you wanted to paint the door, feel free to have done so. She would've just thrown it anyway.]
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