Hong Kong/Belarus - Mafia AU - Chinese and Russian relationship-based alliance

Feb 20, 2011 18:55

Request Link: http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/10960.html?thread=20468944#t20468944
Status: incomplete, scroll to second fill to start
Fill: -no title-

I've posted up a couple requests, but not one has actually beendone. D:
So if an Anon could make my day and fill this, I'd love you forever~ <3

Plot: AU Chinese + Russian Mafia are in an alliance due to relationship between leaders (Ivan/Yao). HongKong(Name?) thinks this is a bad idea because an alliance based on realtionship will not last, even if the Korean Mafia and Japanese Mafia have created an alliance based on a relationship of leaders (Kiku/Yong Soo), and is also upset that Yao will not let him start a relationship with the leader of a Pirating/Bootleg organization (Arthur) because Arthur is in love with a leader of a Gang (Alfred) but the two left each other on bad terms. (Eventual Arthur/Afred). Sister of Russian Mafia (Belarus) does not like her brother in a relationship, and teams up with HongKong to break them up. Belarus and Hongkong end up in a relationship them selves. (Belarus/Hongkong).

So basically~:
Kiku/Yong Soo
One sided HongKong/Arthur
One sided Belarus/Russia
Belarus/Hongkong (Lots of denial would be lovely~)

Would be very appreciated if:
Mentionings of: Lovino/Antonio, Feliciano/Ludwig.
HongKong is a Pyro.
Belarus is obsessed with knives.
Kiku and Yong soo are tech wizzes.
Arthur is Punk, with a pirate flair.
Alfred is GANGSTA.
Alfred and Arthur dated and France was the reason why they broke up.
Canada works alongside Alfred, is beast at using rifles, and they dress exactly the same to confuse their enemies.
Any Character is drunk at any time.
Vash is confided in by everyone or is incharge of Swiss Bank stuff.
Prussia is part of story and is part of a group of teens trying to get Prussia become his own country again.
Hungary beats on Prussia Excessively.

Actually if within a couple weeks no one wants to write this....and a couple people think its a good Idea....I might attempt writing it myself....

Sorry so many things are specific.....Plot Bunny attacked me..and I dwelled on the idea a bit too long.

au - mafia, part 07, c - ensemble, filled, c - hong kong, c - belarus

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