Request Link: both complete
Ice breaker and
Want some? Dim sum! (Hong Kong/Iceland)
I didn't know you guys were together...
You know what this meme needs more of? OBSCURE PAIRINGS.
So basically, hit me with your best obscure pairing.
It can be anything you want: angst, smut, crack, humour, gen; with focus on one nation or multiple. Multi-chapter, one shot it doesn't matter as long as the pairing is one that is rarely seen.
I'm afraid this means none of the pairings like USUK, Spamano, SuFin, GerIta, etc. But others like France/S. Korea or Russia/Italy (I know, wut) are more than welcome!
I've seen enough to know that the anons here can be creative and amazing so I know you guys can do it! :D