Hong Kong/Iceland - Hong Kong easily wins Norway's approval

May 20, 2012 23:01

Request Link: http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/21125.html?thread=87223173#t87223173
Status: unfilled

Hong Kong wants to meet Iceland's family. Iceland is worried like hell and badgers HK nonstop on what to do and what his brother would do to him if he didn't do exactly the same way Iceland told him to.

But HK naturally acts just like himself.

And for all of Iceland's flustering, he easily wins Norway's approval.

(Based from a comic I read and cannot find again.

HK: Hello. My name is Hong Kong. It's nice to meet you.
Norway: Hello. I'm Iceland's brother. Just call me Norway.
HK: I can't do that. It's rude. Can I call you Brother instead?
Norway: ....
Norway: How did Iceland befriend such a nice boy like you? He never calls me brother.

Not exact words, but close enough.)

k - gen, part 21, c - norway, c - iceland, c - hong kong, unfilled

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