Half OOC/IC: Here: a question, and just maybe an explaination.

May 27, 2009 11:45

'You're going to hurt them.'

I won't let you.

'Doesn't matter, you always do.'

don't want to have to why won't they go away?

I want them to stay!

They are not needed here.

They're your friends! Friends matter!

not friends won't stop can't stop!

Stay, stay or go away~

Shut up shut up!!!

'No' why we're here for you always with you isn't that right Ys?

Who's Ys I'm not Ys my name is Yuca!
No, that isn't--
Who who!!!

Who is Ys?

child creepy hurting young brother curious always asking questions kidnap to prove a point 'harmful' why Methuselah--

no...I'm not...!!!

hey, rain...! I think I made some friends. One of them a lot like you!...and Freya.

What am I supposed to do with them? I don't know...you were always the one so good with people.

Hurry and wake up! I can't wait much longer!

You have to, you have to kill me, Rain. Preserve this world you so love.

You...are Methuselah now.

((Kite mun, Fuu mun, this is for you bb-sans. :| Any questions about his current state will be addressed here.))
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