Title: Circle of Friends
Pairing: A pairing that consist of five people....
Rating: Pg-13
“Why are you making this kind of decision, don’t you want to graduate with us?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore…this is where I’ll stay”
“But I want to graduate with you, Aiba-chan” They paused and looked at Ohno, who seemed not to realize what he had said as he
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Comments 13
The parts a loved the most:
- "Probably just because watching him Jun would understand that Ohno would be at a place because he wanted to, he would say something because he wanted to, he would smile because he wanted to and he would do something just for the sake of really wanting it to happen." <-- It describes so well the character that Ohno has in your fic, it's awesome!
- “You and Aiba-chan are the same too mellow to the point that you guys are almost stubborn" <-- I liked this phrase a lot. It's a brilliant way to describe it ^^b
- Nino and Hana conversation, and the final phrase "Can I lend you my binoculars so that you can worship that window?" XD
- And of course all the Sakuraiba... T_T So touching!
I'll be waiting for the next chapter! ^^
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