(cross-posted to
So I rented the movie Up off of Netflix. Came in the day it was released in stores. Stick the disc into my player...
No closed captions.
Flick through the subtitle menu on the DVD player...
No subtitles either.
Apparently, as I'm gathering from some Twitter searches, Disney (who handles the distribution of Pixar's movies) released a special bare-bones version of the DVD to major rental businesses- Netflix, Redbox, and Blockbuster are all confirmed- that not only lacks the bonus shorts from the retail DVD, but even lacks the closed-captioning. Which is, y'know, half the reason I rented the DVD in the first place rather than going to see it at the dollar theater.
I'm going to be checking to see if my local indie rental store has a retail copy of the DVD; I've got confirmation that that version, at least, is captioned.
Seriously, Disney? What were you thinking?!
Edited to add: Twitter user
TheFarmerJoe contacted Disney and got an explanation: the removal of captioning was intentional, because they viewed closed captioning as a bonus feature. I don't even think I need to mention how utterly made of EPIC FAIL that reasoning is. >_<;;