i used to be in here as xosknds.. but hell why not do the app again..
Name|| Brandy
Age|| turned 16 on halloween
Location|| SHITHOLE NOR CAL. ( moving to L.A. sooner then later bout a month)
Fact About You|| I am a drummer.
How Often Do You Go To Shows|| ha! as often as they are here.. not many lately..but once im in L.A. look out.
What Bands Have You Seen|| mostly local bands but the biggest band ive proably seen is Killing the dream.. supprizingly they came to my town. oh and with passion.
Favorite Bands|| With passion, Casey jones, end this day.. yeah on and on
Favorite Song|| i dont have just one fav song.
Favorite Movies|| hate em. but jackass was great
Who Is Your Idol|| the drummer in with passion
Are you sXe(straight edge)|| hell fucking yes
Greatest Invention Ever Made|| drums. ha.
What do you think of the mods|| eric..i saw his cock once..i think, and reminds me of the singer in the bled..
Why should we accept you|| becuase im fucking hardcore and well i dunno if im hot you decied that for yourselfs
How did you find this community|| la la la used to be in it
Promote us in 1 community with the URL link|| already did before.
Pictures (at least 3)||