this started as a reply to
suckmuscles but became a completely self-absorbed
practically no one in this generation (generation y, born between 1988 and 1993) really has an opinion of their own! i just listen to the opinions of people smarter than me, why take the long way around the barn right? i don't even know if i can think for myself, i've hardly ever tried. why should i learn to think for myself when i know memorizing and quoting Nietzsche, without having to understand anything he says, will suffice?
i am lazy and superficial, but so is everyone i know. and i care just enough to realize it, not enough to make an effort to better myself. or maybe it's that i don't know how. or maybe it's that i can't.
all i want to do right now is leave. it is my all-consuming obsession. make enough money to leave. i can work on bettering myself once i'm out of here. but then i get my dream studio apartment in portland and i'm still lazy and vapid and useless.
i don't have any passion. all i'm concerned with is instant gratification. i don't feel the need to do more than listen to my ipod and drink smirnoff and smoke weed and parliament cigarettes, because there are much, much smarter people out there making the world a better place without my help.
really what i want to do is make just enough money to buy a car and as much lsd as possible and go all
merry prankster but it wouldn't even be close to the same because everything they were doing then meant something. it would be rebelling, or making a statement. because they've already made the statement!
i do not expect anyone to read this, because it is stupid. it's more for me, you know?