
Apr 16, 2007 16:36

I feel like utter crap...

The stress has hit me like a fucking train and I deserve it for being a lazy cunt... Fine I can take the blame there...

I have 2 projects and 2 orals to be done in the next 12 days. For my fucking Leaving Cert. Christ... It officially begins tomorrow, with my Irish oral.

And why do I feel like shit, for just some test? I'll tell you why, I have a fucking terrible teacher, and I am worried about how I'll do... For a subject, in which if I fail, I fail not just one subject... I FAIL FUCKING EVERYTHING. This stupid fucking BITCH hasn't prepaired me, and doesn't FUCKING CARE.

She's some wanker from Donegal, who speaks that fucking retarded dialect of Irish, Ulster Irish. Her pronunciation is confusing, and Hell, sometimes I cannot understand her when she speaks ENGLISH let alone fucking (Ulster) Irish. Her translation is mediocre, at best, her English spelling is literally childish.

So, in February, we started a part of the Irish course which was, as she described, 'the easiest way to get marks' and 'a guaranteed 5%'. It's called the "Sliocht" (pronounced shlucht), it's a piece of Irish which you just read cout and you get marked out of 5%, it's on a piece of paper infront of you, and you have it months before the exam. Now, I was out when they started this, and when I was in, I asked for a sheet... Never got one, asked several times more until the damned last Friday before the Easter Holidays. When I asked, it turned out 1/2 of the class didn't have it either, so she begrudgingly said in her damn fucking irritating accent: "Rite, fayne, Ay'll fotoe coppeh it for ye then, cum back laytar and cyollect it" right, grand... I came back last class on that half day, to collect it, the only other time I was even IN that damn building (I did go over earlier too, wasting time of a real class, and she was not there). And guess what? That greedy bitch decided to have an early lunch and left early. FUCKING ME OVER FOR AN EASY 5%!

Yes, I can try to read them, but the slightest error, or pause - so say, I went to read and said: "James is ainm... eh... dom" <--- "James is his... eh... name", a poor example, but I would lose marks.

Not only that, but the sliochts she chose were all Ulster Irish barr ONE. She is the ONLY Irish teacher to do that, even in the last several years! All other Irish teachers, even those from Donegal themselves, said "Stay the HELL away from sliochts 11 - 15, they're the hardest".

I was meant to have a mock oral today at 10:00, I couldn't have it, though it wasn't her fault. We were supposed to have religion, and the bastards decided to give us an extra Irish class. She walked in, said her usual crap, and went to find a marker... "Ah Jyeesus, are there noe markars?! Chryst! Ay'm not prepaaared for this oral sure Ay'm not, very stressed so Ay am" <--- SHE'S NOT FUCKING PREPAIRED?! WHAT THE FUCK!? STRESSED?! Selfish bitch, fucks me over and claims she's 'not prepaired' and 'stressed' - I'M FUCKING STRESSED FOR GOD'S SAKE.

What comes next is, well, it shows her true personality. This time I won't spell in Donegal phonetics, "Sure I don't care if any of you fail, it's not my problem, or my fault"... Seriously, how did she become a teacher? Before that, back to the Friday before Easter holidays, she said: "Well you can help yourselves over Easter, I won't be helping you at all, I won't even be here" <---- wow, real dedication right there. Let's compare that Friday and today in German, the other subject with an oral exam, to Irish.


German teacher: "So if any of you need help, and want any over the Easter, say so now and I can arrange a class, or grind, or mock oral during the holidays and I'll come in."

Irish: "Well you can help yourselves over Easter, I won't be helping you at all, I won't even be here"


German: "Listen, be positive, we'll continue working, you keep studying. And during class we'll practice what we learn. And if anyone needs a mock oral, say so and I'll schedule for any time. [Insert complications over the timing of the Irish oral] And does anyone want an extra class after school on the Wednesday?"

Irish: "Sure I don't care if any of you fail, it's not my problem, or my fault" and "Oh aye, I forgot about that class after school today, and sure the people who were supposed to have orals couldn't. *Gives me a new time of 15:20* So who's coming to that class?"

At this class, I learnt fuck all, and it lasted maybe 25 minutes.
At 15:20, I went to her room, only to find another student sitting in that class, he asked: "Oh yea, you've an oral now yea? She came in earlier and just told me to study, and then left" <---- More dedication! (There were four of us to have an oral)

I swear to God I'm not ready for tomorrow, I'm very worried, and I hope to God I do well, I cannot afford to fuck up on Irish, because then everything I've done in the Leaving Cert is worthless, and Christ, that bitch of a teacher isn't helpful...

And that's not a of all my problems either, at the moment...
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