bomber nam: *lifts your head up* but before i go.... bomber nam: ...WHIP IT! x123 overdose xx: :-) x123 overdose xx: NO! bomber nam: *dances around in my boxers* <3
so i was on the phone with this awesomely hot girl and she's made me stay up for hours now. but it's okay. she's well worth it. the natalie fight make me all happy. AND I GET TACO BELL NIGGA! 15th day in a row now. i think i got another crush. fuckkk.
so i plan on getting a stud for my lip today. gosh i am so cool. and chucky (from the "child's play" series) is my hero. why? he kills britney spears in seed of chucky. teehee. so i cant sleep. so today i put up with drama. ( D-R-A-M-A! )
i hate people. ryan...dont get me started much drama people just dont get it im doomed to be single forver and im sick of rejection and im done really im done with the razor almost done with romance i wanna fall out of love. with her and maybe him. no. im not in love with him not lust either. HATE