His pokémanz, let him show you them.

Mar 06, 2011 23:18

Because everyone needs one of those o9 except not

The Team:

Quirky nature
Impetuous and silly
Lvl. 35
Ability: Soundproof

Eusine's first Pokémon, caught as a Voltorb during a trip to the Power Plant back in Kanto. Though maybe "caught" isn't the word; it's more like he grabbed it from the ground thinking it was some sort of pokéball and it exploded in his face. CLEARLY THE BEGINNING OF A GREAT FRIENDSHIP.
He sometimes uses it as a mean of locomotion. HOVERING BALLS! Thank you magnetism.

Also OOCly known as: Hovertrode, Hoverball

Related tropes include:
-Hover Ball. Don't ask me how it works.
-Alright, maybe that's how it works. Kind of. Electrode knew Magnet Rise before it even existed, how cool is that.
-Shock and Awe. Because you know. It's an Electric type.
-Either way, that IS one awfully big ball.


Brave nature
Strong willed
Lvl. 34
Ability: Chlorophyll

Eusine's second Pokémon, caught during his first trip to Johto back when she was a brave little Hoppip. Hoppip who might or might not have saved his and Voltorb's butts from a bunch of rabid Ekans.
She's pretty much the Team Mom; and yes, the "team" includes Eusine.
He somehow defies all the laws of gravity by using her to fly around. Who cares if Jumpluff can learn Fly or not? HE IS THE GODDAMN MYSTICALMAN.

Also OOCly know as: Derpluff, Mumluff, Mamaluff

Related tropes include:
-Badass Adorable. See that ball of fluff? It can still kick your ass! :Db
-Team Mom, of course. Which sometimes doubles as
-Mama Bear. Don't hurt the derp.
-Only Sane 'Mon. Someone has to be, with a team like that.


Quiet nature
Lvl. 31
Ability: Levitate

Gastly (now Haunter) was a gift from his friend Morty, who secretly found the fact Eusine's team was made of balls endlessly amusing. That guy is as troll as his ghosts sometimes. Sadly, Gastly went and evolved and Eusine never got the joke. Morty was sadfays that day.
Haunter isn't out as often as the other two, but he's a great asset during fights.
The quietest Pokémon in the team, but also a huge troll. It's just that he's more likely to look at you with that shit-eating grin plastered on his face than go HAUNTER HAUNTER HAUNTER. And he does like those shit-eating grins.

Also OOCly known as: Hauntroll, Haunter-stop-trolling-your-trainer

Related tropes include:
-Our Ghosts Are Different. Well duh. Might be because they're
-Trolls. Good thing Haunter doesn't have access to a computer.
-Dark Is Not Evil. Just troll.
-The Silent Troll. Have I said "troll" enough times yet?


x1 Clear Bell. Allows him to pass through Suicune's crystal wall. Acquired after his INTENSE FIGHT against Team Rocket. Used to save Suicune from the Masked Man. Pretty much the best item ever. (sprite by Coronis @serebii)
-x1 Binoculars. Custom made, these include a GPS and a tracking device as well as the good old binoculars functions. We cannot be held responsible for any fruitiness resulting from the use of these by people whose fabulousness stat is under 16.
x4 Berry Pots. A gift from the Island on Christmas. But not any berry pots, no sir! Hi-tech berry pots, with temperature regulation and all. Because keeping a constant amount of berries is serious business.
-x??? playing cards. Where does he keep them? It's a secret, duh. He's a magician after all.
-??? ??? ??? WHO KNOWS (tl;dr handkerchiefs and the like don't count :V)

History/headcanon post to come when I finally manage NOT to make it completely TL;DR. No really. The first draft is just ridiculous. :V

is it headcanon time yet, how are you pokémen, ho-oh sees, stuff no one cares about

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