I just had to let it go...

Jul 16, 2009 23:04

Just shaved my face with a dull razor and lukewarm water. It's kind of nice just being able to half-ass things like that. At first when I didn't really want to shave anymore, I was afraid that someone would say something about my awful face-full of stubble at work, but it never happened, so now I just do it when I get tired of scratching my own ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

kingsleya July 17 2009, 16:16:19 UTC
What about something like Zipcar for the longer hauls?


harlequinno July 19 2009, 04:13:49 UTC
They don't have those in Tacoma. If I were in Seattle, it would be possible.


i sense a theme. fdolarhyde13 July 17 2009, 19:43:33 UTC
you seem to get lonely a lot, dont you?


Re: i sense a theme. harlequinno July 19 2009, 04:15:54 UTC
Or maybe I'm just more inclined to blog about my life when I'm being mopey and lonesome.

I feel like an emotional train wreck, but I'm also hung over and sick and feeling especially vulnerable at the moment.


ieatgodzillas69 July 18 2009, 10:37:27 UTC
want a challenge? try finding an address in tokyo where all the buildings are numbered in the order they were built...


ieatgodzillas69 July 18 2009, 10:37:57 UTC
it's "charming";)


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