So I went to the GLBT Pride Festival yesterday. ;D
...and I'm going to TELL you about it. AREN'T YOU LUCKY??
...wooooow, I just got distracted for like an HOUR. LMFAO. That was... epic. No, not really, I just. uhhh. ...I always do this, you know. I always tell myself I need to find the appropriate music to listen to while I write things, and then I get epically distracted and forget I was even supposed to be doing anything, LMFAO I JUST FORGOT I WAS WRITING THIS ENTRY AGAIN!! ...um, anyway. I'm here now, and I'm going to tell you about the festival. ;'3 Because I know you are dying to hear about my rainbowriffic adventures~! But I have a LOT of things to talk about, so I'm going to just go through... everything. 8D Aaaand. AND YES HERE WE GO
Okay, so, before I talk about the FESTIVAL, I need to talk about the events leading UP to it. Like something epic that happened before I wrote my little entry before this one.
You see, the sibling has dated quite a few boys in this past year, and she's the type to hang out with these boys and her friends ALL THE TIME. So I interact with them a fair bit, unless they're like that one boyfriend of hers who hated old music and was impolite to everybody. 8D I just tried not to interact with him at all. ...Her NEWEST boyfriend is our next door neighbor at the mother's apartment, Eric. LMFAO. He lives in the apartment next to use ... or us with his little brother and his mother, but he's constantly staying over at the father's house with us, because his... his family life isn't so good. 3: And we're kind of like his family, right now. ...Anyway, I've always known he was awesome, because he played the Beatles and Queen on his guitar and we sang the exact same Weird Al song at the exact same TIME and he loves Monty Python and "Cyanide and Happiness" and he wasn't horrified by "Superjail!" and loved it with all of his life when he watched it with the sibling and I LMFAOOOOOO and he loves "Jake and Amir~!!" 8'D
When we showed him "Hot Fuzz," the other day (my second favourite movie 8B "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" beats it. and not beets it like I almost typed), he LAUGHED INSANELY at all the gore especially when the reporter got NAILED by the church roof and his head exploded 8'D!!! And one day, I guess the sibling was preoccupied, because he ventured out of her room to watch "Curb Your Enthusiasm" with me, and we started talking about that scene for whatever reason and laughing, and then I told him I had something to SHOW HIM OMFJSKLLFS!! Very loudly. I mean, it's not very often that I run into people who appreciate wondermous gore offline, you know, so I was just REALLY EXCITED.
And I showed him ~~THIS~~:
Click to view
...LMFAOOOOO ZRI SHOVED THAT IN MY FACE THE OTHER DAY, and I laughed insanely for like 29492482424 hours at the very thought of it. Every time I watch it I just start SOBBING with laughter, and since Eric liked "Hot Fuzz" so much, I thought he'd appreciate it. ...HE ~~DID,~~ BTW!! He just started CRACKING UP at the same time as me and I choked out, "...AHAAHJDSKFL HE'S SLICED UP LIKE ~~CHEESE~~!!!!!" and started crying with laughter again and he just laughed harder LMFAOOOOO.
So. Good conversation starter? I think so. 8D I got all EXCITED because... ...srsly, it's not often I find people offline with a dark sense of humor like mine. And even when I do, most of them wouldn't appreciate the comedy behind someone being sliced and diced like a block of cheese, LMFAOOOO. Or... well, students liquifying in the hallway as they walk. ;D Which Eric doesn't technically appreciate either, since that's not from a movie, that's from one of Zri's Superschool dreams. But it still makes me SOB WITH LAUGHTER TO THINK ABOUT IT. LMFAOOOOO. oh my god. ...so Eric and I started talking, and I told him I didn't really know how the sibling could stand to be with him if he loved gore that much, since she freaks out whenever I talk about it or laugh at it and it disgusts her most of the time, and he said he just didn't know HOW other people could miss the humor in all of it.
and I told him I KNEW EXACTLY what he meant, because... I mean. Okay, I was raised in a Mormon household and I wasn't even allowed to say "oh my god" growing up, and I was basically taught that violent entertainment was Satan's way of getting you on ~~his~~ side. I felt guilty for even watching kid-friendly violence or playing violent video games, growing up, because I was FORCE-FED these things as a child. ...but by the time I was twelve, I was developing an interest in "Johnny the Homicidal Maniac," and I just kind of love violent entertainment. It's just a natural part of... me. 8'D!! I've just always found it entertaining and funny~! And I don't really understand why people are so uptight about it, especially since... over-the-top violence is so outrageous that it's bound to be hilarious ANYWAY and it's not like I'm going to go around killing anybody just because I watched it on TV or played a video game. LMFAO. People who claim to be that impressionable are just unstable or idiots to BEGIN with. I've written essays on the subject. ANYWAY.
...it was nice to bond with somebody over something like that. :'3
And we talked about bad experiences with pain and hospitals, and we talked about Halloween, and then he mentioned something about... having a WHOLE WORLD inside his brain. ...and I blinked and I told him I DO TOO!! 8'D oh my god. So we talked about that and all the people and things that live there, and we talked about difficultty ...difficulty CONCENTRATING, which i definitely suffer from, and trouble with the school system, which I've definitely had. And we talked about how everything was kind of trippy in our brains. And it was funny, because occasionally one of us would just space out or launch into some COMPLETELY different train of thought without even flinching or forget what we were even talking about, and the other person wouldn't even care LMSFKFLF!!! I... I don't know, I kind of felt like I made... a FRIEND. It was kind of amazing.
Someone I met offline was on MY WAVELENGTH. And do you know how often that happens? ...Never, THAT'S how often. LMFAOOOOO. I mean, he was actually really quiet and calm, compared to me, but. ...srsly.
Unfortunately, the sibling has had trouble even tolerating me lately (she gets like this, sometimes--my happiness irks her 8D my enthusiasm irks her and so does my geekiness, so whenever I even walk into her room she tells me to leave because I'm BOTHERING HER!! and etc. etc.), so she went off on this whole RANT to me about how I couldn't befriend Eric because I would be INFESTING HER LIFE. ...LMFAOOOO I just laughed at her, really!! I'm such a pest ;DD With my happy voice and words and brain. And I quoted "Seinfeld" at her like a pro. 8D "Sibling, do you know what this MEANS?? WORLDS are colliding!! D8" ...but she didn't get it LMFAOOOO UNTIL A DAY LATER.
BUT THAT WAS MAGICAL, AND I DIDN'T REALLY HAVE THE CHANCE TO MENTION IT BEFORE. I mean, apparently we talked for three hours. what.
...So anyway, THEN... then... *blinks* OH, THEN~!! When Thursday arrived, I spent the first half of the day watching "Curb Your Enthusiasm" (I'm on a bit of a "Curb" kick right now AHAHA oh Larry David, you are a genius) and getting ready at the father's, and the second half of the day at the mother's~!
Kay (the life coach) came over and we looked at a G.E.D. practice test together and started working on the math section first, since MATH is my scholastic archenemy and the subject I definitely need help with. 3< She said I could probably take the rest of the practice test on my own, and then we could go over it and see where I had ~~gaps in my knowledge,~~ so I'm doing that later this week. ;D And we started working on percentages, since I realized I know virtually NOTHING about them. LMFAOOOOO. I was... so confused, but she was very patient, and she basically explained the same thing to me 249492 times because I kept forgetting what we were even DOING and losing focus.
And on one page of the practice test, they had this chart... LMFAOOOO and it said they arrived at a certain number, and I told her "I'M GOING TO CHECK TO MAKE SURE THAT'S RIGHT. I want to know WHY that number is there~!" so I checked it, and... they were wrong and I was right ;DDD I think it was just a typo, but I felt so SMUG. And I told Kay that when people taught me math in the past, it always seemed so rigid and inflexible and there were certain ways to do things. I was always taught NOT to ask why, because we don't ask why, and I need a lot of flexibility so learning in a classroom was very frustrating for me 8'D I need to have the freedom to do classwork BACKWARDS if I have to, or look at it in a completely different way, and I always felt so stifled and stuck in classrooms. But Kay told me she understood, and she told me that it was a good thing I asked why, because most people would've just looked at the number on the chart and assumed that it was right and moved on, and she ENCOURAGED me to ask questions <333
IT WAS SO GOOD. so hard for me to concentrate, but i feel like it was worth it ;D I'm bringing my practice test over to the father's tomorrow so he can help explain this whole percentage thing a little, too, because he's very logical and good with math problems. pff. And Kay was nice enough to give me this book on psychology. that I still haven't even begun to read. LMFAO. OH WELL, I ~~WILL.~~
And then, we were actually planning to go to the festival on Friday since the mother worked on Saturday 'til one PM, I guess. 8D But that didn't happen, so. INSTEAD, we went out to dinner with the grandmother~!! <3 And we went to this steakhouse where they played all this... TERRIBLE... or even TERRUBLE country music and it just ugdjkfsflfls wow. WOOOOW. This, though, made my life for like three hours:
Grandmother: 3: I thought I could escape the country music in the bathroom... ...*BAD SOUTHERN ACCENT* but it was still PIPIN' UP in THERE ;DDDDDD
you really had to be there, but whatever. LMFAO. I wanted to... die. With laughter. And then, we just spontaneously decided we wanted to go to a movie, so I kind of got dragged to this movie called "Killers." ...I was BORED STIFF. I mean, once the guns started blazing and stuff, I wasn't AS bored, but it was still just. Such a boring, predictable movie ;D And srsly, they wasted the beginning on just this. uninspired romance. and it. UUUUUGH. I couldn't stop fidgeting 3333: and it saddens me, it really does, because the LAST TWO MOVIES I SAW AT THE DRIVE-IN WERE TERRIBLE TOO. I want to go to a decent movie, srsly. please. But at least the grandmother enjoyed it. 3: I think the mother agreed with me.
Apparently, while I was gone, Moose stopped by to drop her AP Psychology papers off for me. D8 I wanted to BE THERE, but OH WELL~!! They are fascinating papers, let me tell you. 8B
I literally WOKE UP screaming "PRIDE FESTIVAL TODAY~~~!!!" LMFSKSFLFS and almost fell off of my bed with excitement and joy. Some of the 'voices were very excited too, I think 8'D I mean, I had to wait until the mother got off work, but I found ways to occupy myself ;D Aaand when the time arrived I was DANCING and bouncing around with JOY and when we went to pick the grandmother up, I could not stop smiling and it was just miraculous!!
And when we GOT there, it was even more miraculous. LMFAO. This guy at the front asked me how I was doing and I said, "I'm splendiferous, thank you~! ;D" and then we were OFF. ...and okay, the first half of the day was mostly spent wandering around in a very dazed and confused state 8D Since lawl, apparently I am great enough to plan to go to the festival, but not great enough to think about what I'll do once I GET THERE. They had all these booths set up on the grass, and I won a purple frisbee at one of them. 8B I also got TWO equality stickers, aaaand bought a rainbowriffic lei for one dollar~! It followed Roy G. Biv exactly and I wore it everywhere LMFMFSKSFLF. Oh, and the mother ran into someone she knew~! He worked for... some bank that was sponsoring one of the booths, so. LMFAOOO.
And then, eventually, our confusion led us to a snow cone stand!! 8D I ordered the ~~rainbow~~ snow cone, of course~! It wasn't... very rainbowriffic at all. LMFAOOOO. But I tried to ignore it, since EVERYTHING ELSE WAS. I WAS LITERALLY SURROUNDED BY RAINBOWS. And almost ALL of them were correct!! oh myrgdkfsllfs;fsfs; it was the most fantabulous thing I SWEAR TO GOD. ...plus, the snow cone was kind of delicious and amazing, so I was pretty satisfied. We found a spot at a table underneath a rainbow unb--...UMBRELLA, what the hell and we were eating our snow cones and being merry when
someone called out my name!! ...the offline one, anyway. "Alex." And then WHAM, there Allison was. LMFAOOO. FROM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I WAS SHSHSHOCKED SANE. D8 She had two people with her, and they were wearing rainbowriffic leis, and they said hello and they left so we could talk~! She said she was there volunteering for some anti-tobacco thing, and her friends were gay and transgendered. 8B It was odd, because... I was in this environment where I could talk about finding girls attractive and my girlfriend in Ohio without judgment, OFFLINE. We exchanged ~~contact information~~ so we could catch up. Apparently she's volunteering at a camp in Missouri this summer to help disabled girls. 8D Or something. Aaaand... IDK IT WAS JUST PRETTY GROOVY. OH, AND WE WENT TO HER BOOTH AND THEY GAVE ME A STICKER THAT HAD AN OCTOPUS-LOOKING THING ON IT. I was pretty content.
AND THEN... we wandered aimlessly for another 429429 years. LMFAO. I was just happy to be there~! 8D I saw some pretty interesting outfits and accessories, too. This girl had rainbowriffic angel wings, which was really neat. AND OH OH OHKRGDLFSF;
HA I KNEW THEY EXISTED!!! I KNEW IT. JFSKFKSFL I DID SPAZZY FLAILY LUCILLE BLUTH/FACER ARMS and FREAKED OUT at the grandmother while the mother was trying to talk to her boyfriend Brad. No one understands why it is so great, but I mean... that's the Super Swung Dash's cape. D8 That's the cape I visualize in my head when I am in SUPERHERO MODE. It was so... so perfect. He was just rollerblading around with the thing and I just 8B ahahahaah it was the SUPEREST DAMN THING I've ever seen.
And we were going to watch some... show thing, but I wanted to keep moving, so we looked at more booths~! ;D We found a lighter that said "My parents said I could be anything, so I became a lesbian." LMFAOOOOO. ...AND?? And they had these DELIGHTFUL hand-crafted rainbowriffic candles. Each colour was apparently a different scent 8'D!! And I desperately wanted one, but I told the lady that I wanted to check everything out first, and then I... FORGOT LMFAOOOOO ABOUT THE CANDLES. oh well. uh. ...THEN WE FOUND a booth with rainbowriffic flags, so of course I had to purchase one of those~! AND THEN I found a necklace with a RAINBOW DOLPHIN ON IT. D8 and I've loved dolphins ever since I was tiny (...well, really any aquatic animals ;D), so I bought it, even though I am not a jewelry person. I hung it up in my room later on, but I wore it home. 8B They also had rainbow bracelets like the one Jeebish whatsit sent me in the mail. AAAAND
AND?? I GOT LENABEE A ~~PRESENT.~~ I was walking away from the booth and then it HIT ME. "...I NEED TO GET LENA A PRESENT!!" so they took me back to the booth and I looked around saying "AJFSKFSLS I can't believe I've been at this festival for like 4292492492 hours and I JUST thought to get my girlfriend a PRESENT." and the lady at the booth laughed LMFAOOOOO.
AND I GOT HER SOMETHING. :3 It's SIMPLE, but... it's part of the magnificent GIFT PACKAGE thing I am going to send her soon~!! hopefully soon, anyway. I HOPE SHE LIKES IT. I... I DON'T KNOW. AND I'LL HAVE EVERYONE KNOW THAT I CHECKED TO MAKE SURE IT FOLLOWED ROY G. BIV BEFORE I BOUGHT IT. I would ~~NEVER~~ give my bee any incorrect rainbows. She deserves better. SO PFF.
We also went on a quest for shirts, but... we weren't very successful. The mother told me she was going to get me a rainbowriffic shirt before we flounced off to the festival, but she forgot. :'3 I told her it was the thought that counted and that it was very sweet of her anyway~!
OH AND I RAN INTO TREVOR, THE SIBLING'S FRIEND. 8D I just saw some guy with long blonde hair in a tie-dye shirt walking with this girl and I KNEW WHO THAT WAS. I'm surprised I ran into two people I knew, LMFAOOOO.
The one negative thing about the evening: when we went back out to the mother's car, she thought she had a ticket, so the grandmother went over to retrieve it and see what it was... 8D And once she started reading it out loud, we realized it wasn't a ticket. "God exists. Yes, there IS a Hell..." ...lawl, because God hates faggots. GET IT?? I didn't know how the members of my family would react, but she just went "oh pff" and RIPPED IT UP and we got in the car. My grandmother is great and knows just how to deal with mindless hatred.
I didn't let it get to me at all, though, and I don't think the mother did, either~!
And then we went home. It was basically the most super amazing wonderfully terrific thing in the WORLD!! ;3 Next year, I plan to go to the parade AND the festival if I am still in this state, and I will be so rainbowriffic that NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO HANDLE ME. EXCEPT ME. LMFAOOOO. and I will DANCE and SING and be FESTIVE AS HELL. I just feel so glad that I was able to do it, and it means so much to me that two members of my family would go out of their way to support me. :3 Father would never go with me, but the sibling wants to next year, so~!
Expect other entries later, possibly some ramblings and surveys~!!