Jul 13, 2010 00:49


Unfortunately, I have nothing else to report. we're just skipping RIGHT TO THE MEME!!


Day 3 -- A Song That Makes You Happy~!

...There are actually TWO SONGS that spring to mind, and I tried to choose BETWEEN them, and I just couldn't. 8'D SO HERE WE GO!!

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First of all, don't ask what's up with the video, because I HONESTLY don't know. 8'D Secondly, most of you know this song, because I've already shoved it in everyone and their mothers' faces. ;D "Vietcaterpillar" by Black Moth Super Rainbow, of course~! When I first discovered it, I liked the version from "Start a People" better, but the "Falling Through a Field" version REALLY grew on me, so that is the version you're getting~!! I pretty much fell in love with it from the moment I heard it (yes, another one of THOSE songs <3), and I WORE IT OUT last summer, because... it is my MINDMUSIC. Especially during the summer, when I'm sleep-deprived out of my mind and the sun is rising... That tripped out, slightly CHILDISH FEEL? Yes, that's nice. ;3 Honestly, the lyrics aren't ~~spectacular,~~ but Black Moth Super Rainbow music is NEVER about lyrics. Most of my music is, since I'm a lyricist myself, but... no, not them. :3 Not them AT ALL. This song just fills me with so much joy every time I listen to it, it's UNREAL~!!


Sunrise came LATE today~...
Sundown came LATE today~...
When we die, we go away~!
Sundown came LATE today.


Sunrise came LATE today~...
Sundown came LATE today~...
When we die, we go away~!
Sundown came LATE today.

The most creative and varied lyrics ~~EVER~~!!! 8'D

...but that's not ALL. I have another song. *SMILES* Ladies and gentlemen, I present...

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..."Make Us All Happy :-)" by Colugo~! OKAY, SO I MEAN. I'M GOING TO JUST STATE THIS RIGHT OFF THE BAT: THERE IS A ~~SMILEY FACE~~ IN THE SONG TITLE. It is called "Make Us All Happy :-)" HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY MAKE ANYONE FEEL ~~DEPRESSED~~?? And it's COLUGO. Basically all of Colugo's music is known for making me feel so happy that I could explode. He is my hero, and I LOVE his music so much that it's just... wild LMFAOOOO all of it is happiness translated into music, all of it makes me BOUNCE OFF OF THE WALLS AND SMILE!! ...but this is the only song of his that I could find on YouTube. ...and it's very fitting for the prompt anyway. ;D Most Colugo songs don't have lyrics, they're just HAPPY INSTRUMENTALS. ...this one DOES, though, so you're in luck~!! it's actually an excerpt from another song (called "Dear Mister Fantasy"), but OH WELL. ...p.s., this song smells like peppermint. :D And it makes me feel like robots are making music just for ME. It is one of my favourite songs ever. Insult it and I WILL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH!!! *SMILES*

OKAY LYRICS TIME. ...i really have to guess, by the bye. 8D No one make fun of me.

Dear Mister Fantasy, play us a tune,
something to make us all happy...
Do anything, take us out of this gloom~!
Sing a song, play guitar, make it ~~SNAPPY~~!!

You are the one who can make us all laugh,
but doing that, you break out in tears...
Please don't be sad; if it was a straight mind you had,
we wouldn't have known you all these years~...

Dear Mister Fantasy, play us a tune,
something to make us all happy...
Do anything, take us out of this gloom~!
Sing a song, play guitar, make it ~~SNAPPY~~!!


there's ONE MORE SONG. Just one more, I promise. ...lots of songs make me happy, okay. D8

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"The Ceiling" by Lemon Demon~! 8D Truthfully, there are a lot of LEMON DEMON songs I could pick, too (THANKS CHIBI *THUMBS UP HM*), but... this song just makes me the absolute happiest. LMFAOOOO. IDK WHY!! It's so simple and far too short and very wondermous. But it's one of my favourites from the album (although srsly that album is just one of my favourites IN GENERAL :3), and it fills me with HOPE, joy, and the utmost optimism, so THERE YOU GO!! I also enjoy the whistling.


When did my room get a ceiling?
I've never seen it before!
That's what I get for devoting
all of my time to the floor.

Sit down, you walking disaster!
Look up and ask yourself,
"What can I see in the PLASTER?"

Step out and look where the stars are
while falling back in the snow.
Some constellations are charming
from the perspective we know.

I'd like to hop on a space ride,
exit the universe,
see how it looks from the outside~!

:D Okay, that was a ray of SUNSHINE AND HOPE after that Millionaires song decided to crush everyone's SPIRITS!!

SO I'M GOING NOW. BAM. ;D hope you enjoy~!

a little night muuuuuusic, happiness~!, 30 day music meme

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