******BASIC FACTS******
1. What time is it? 9:22 a.m.
2. Name as appears on birth certificate: Michael Ashley Westling
3. Nickname(s): Mike, Dub, Mike Dub
4. Parents names: Bruce and Laura
5. Single or taken?: I'm married to my work
6. Chinese zodiac: sewer rat
7. Hair Color: brown
8. Eye color: blue
9. Height: 5'8"
10. Shoe size: 9
11. Glasses or contacts or neither? both - but not at the same time
12. Braces?: look really funny on people (now I'll probably have to get them
13. Piercings/tattoos? I want a tattoo of Wisconsin on my back
15. Current residence: Mifflin St., Madison, WI - moving to Mifflin St., Madison WI in about a week
16. Siblings name and their ages: Megan, 19 - Aaron, 13
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Gone skinny dipping? nope.
18. Been drunk? yup.
(alison, 19 was missing, is there something you don't want us to know? I'll just insert my own here.)
19*. Played drunk wiffle ball? yup.
20. Smoked a cigarette? like half of one
21. Skipped school? in college, absolutely
22. Bungee jumped: nope
23. Kissed someone not related to you? yes.
25. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
26. Kissed, a few times? like, in a row?
27. TP'd someone's house? I don't think you can graduate high school if you haven't
28. Won something? 1995-1996 Glendale Little League AA Division Champs. Go Yankees!
29. Asked someone a question? no, never
30. Been rejected? sure. from all kinds of things
31. Been in love? yeah, I'd say so
32. Been to a funeral? yup.
33. Used a lighter? yes. fire fun.
34. Been on stage? yeah
35. Where? MC'ing the middle school dance show, all sorts of band concerts
36. Ice Cream flavor: pretty much anything with chocolate in it
38. School subject(s): recess!!!!!
39. Breakfast cereal: peanut butter panda puffs - made with bits of real panda, so you know it's good.
no - Frosted Mini-wheats
40. Number(s): 12
41. Book(s): Lots, I dunno. I've probably read Swiss Family Robinson more than anything
42. Movies: Anything with the 80's SNL cast, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn- heist movies, spy movies, Condorman
43. Candy: snickers bars
45. Color: blue.
46. Vacation spot: Up Nort.
47. Sport to watch on tv: Football
48. Sport to play: Ultimate, Baseball
49. Band/musician: tons
51. Fast food restaurant: PIZZA
52. Cartoon characters: Wow... um, Batman, Johnny Quest, the Snorks, the Coyote, Garfield, Ma-Ti from Captain Planet, the Jetsons, Penelope Pitstop, Yogi Bear
53. Holiday: Thanksgiving. Food, watching football in the garage and passing out on the couch to amazing movies on USA
54. Name for a boy: I kinda like David, but not in that way
55. Name for a girl: anything that doesn't sound like trailer trash
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla... with chocolare in it
57. Slow and sexy/erotic or fast and hard? as long as Ben is masterbating, it doesn't matter
58. Relationships or one night stands? I don't think I know how to do a one night stand
59. dogs or cats? hmmmm, probably dogs. cats are boring
60. Scary movies or comedies? I like movies that are scary, but not scary movies. so, um, comedies
61. Silver or gold? silver... I usually dislike gold stuff
62. Croutons or bacon bits? croutons... or just big slices of bacon. none of this bit crap
63. Doctor: ankle
64. Hedgehog: sonic the
65. School: back to
66. Grass: fresh cut
67. Cow: mooooooooooooooooo
68. Canada: maple leaf
69. Mouse: cookie
70. Hand: right
******THE PAST 24 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie? yup... Anchorman
72. Talked on the phone? yes, albeit briefly
73. Cried? no
74. Threw up? no
75. Drank a glass of water? yup
77. Read a book or magazine? yeah, I skimmed TIME yesterday
78. Watched tv? yeah. MTV's 70's house is pretty great
79. Looked in the mirror? yeah
80. Taken a shower? yes
81. Taken a picture? no
82. Listened to music? yep.
83. Hugged or kissed someone? yes! team hug after our amazing wiffle ball victory
84. Done any house work? did some dishes
85. Told someone you loved them? don't think so
***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....*****
86. Heaven? yeah, in some form
87. Love at first sight? no, but probably soon after
88. Aliens? well, they've got their own movie franchise
89. Everything happens for a reason? haha, no way. Things may be intertwined and connected, that doesn't mean there's a reason.
90. Freedom of speech? if I said no, would that make me patriotic... or unpatriotic?
91. Love? yeah
92. Magic? Miracles, maybe. Magic, no.
*******SOME RANDOM STUFF******
93. Last movie you saw in theatres? Wedding Crashers.
94. Are you listening to music right now? yes, RJD2. oh, and now it's New Order
95. What color shirt are you wearing? dark gray.
96. Do you like your middle name? yeah. it's a conversation starter
97. What kind of pants are you wearing? khaki shorts
98. What color is your backpack? all sorts of blue
99. Are you gonna send this to your crush? good call alison, we're in like 15th grade
100. Do you like someone right now? well, do I like someone, or do I like-like someone?
101. What time is it now? 10:00 a.m.
102. How much time did you waste? 38 mintues... but I was doing other stuff in-between