Time for John to be a big boy, lay aside childish things, and so forth.
This is my last evening on vacation. Tomorrow morning, I fly back to VA, and arrive in the evening. From there through Sunday, most of my time is spoken for, though most of it is fun activity of one sort or another. The Monday morning, bright and early, I start work for a Big Company, doing Technical Things that I can casually mention at Parties, and making the Big Bucks. I'm remotely excited, but a little worried once I noticed that my main reaction to the job was planning what I'm going to do once I quit in two years. And I haven't even started yet. Clearly, I'm thoroughly excited by the prospect.
Now, I should balance that statement. There are many parts of being an adult and my life in the near future that excite me. I'm moving into an apartment with my best friend, and we're going to grill and play video games and drink adult beverages to our hearts content - stay up past our bedtimes, refuse to clean our rooms, the works. I've made new friends in the area already, to add to the people I already know up here, and have my fair share of book club meetings and barbecues and poker nights and game sessions to look forward to. I have a really excellent job; I'm especially blessed to have an opportunity like this with the economy sucking like it has been. In truth, there's a fat lot of nothing wrong with my life at the moment. I guess I just thought I'd be more excited. Perhaps I will be, once all the fuss is past; maybe I'm just annoyed at all the work it takes to change that much stuff in your life.
I'm not sad to be moving out of the house - my family gets along best when we see each other a lot, but not constantly. My parents, both first children, produced a progeny rich in stubbornness, confidence, and just enough smarts to keep from ever looking stupid in an argument, and as such arguments are common and prolonged, and family board games an epic struggle at best. I won't mind seeing them on weekends instead of constantly. That will be nice, since they're cool people, without bringing on too much disharmony.
Girls? I won't even get started there. Let's just say that I thought this summer was going to be simple. That I wanted this summer to be simple. I'm just trying to figure out how to be single after a few years without it, after all. Maybe I should buy a neon sign. Le sigh.
And of course, my current mood is not helped by having watched Enchanted with my family (my brother had never seen it before). Romantic comedies only put me in a good mood if they're date movies (limited exceptions do exist, but unpredictably so). The rest of the time, they piss me off by making me want something I know exists nearly exclusively on the silver screen. Stop telling me to wish for a friggin' happy ever after. Bastards.
Humph. Don't mind the sarcasm; it's just late. I really should be pretty ecstatic, all things considered. And you know, I likely will be, once I have some sleep under my belt. I'll be in the Arlington area (Merrifield, technically) for the indefinite future, building a new social network. We should hang out.
Well, okay. I think my mood's always about like this on the eve of big life changes. I always stay up too late, get too thoughtful, and am exhausted the next day. Oh well. Oh, and I'm getting an iPhone tomorrow. That's exciting. :-)