AP Environmental Science
The people SUCK. The class will probably be boring. AND it's the first day of school, yet I have to do an ESSAY! >:|
Fun class, I guess. A lot of "popular" people who I know but don't associate with. And Aimee :) The dark room is very cold but so cool. The changing room is a little ;=| though. There's not light AT ALL. How the heck are we supposed to see what we're doing with the reel and film?
SMALL class. All girls, go figure :P I don't know anyone, but I'm looking forward to making the stuff :D
AP English
Mrs. Williams is cool and my class is wow. Lots of freaky smart people. I'm definitely worried about this class :[ I HOPE I can survive.
AP Calculus AB
Umm. Don't like it. Don't ask why. It's stupid. I'm just very UNHAPPY :(
Eh. It's interesting to know that Mr. Rivas is Mrs. Rivas's (my old science teacher from grade school) husband. I'm 95% sure it's him. I loved Mrs. Rivas, I wish it were her :| Anyway, my class is whatever. And Tina. I HATE history so I doubt this class will do me any good, especially since it's my SIXTH PERIOD. I wouldn't be surprised if I fell asleep.
In summation, school sucks and being a Senior sucks and my classes suck and people at school suck >:|
Behind a cut so as to not annoy everyone with the b/tching.
when life gives you lemons
you make lemonade
when life throws you curveballs
you duck
when life wants to screw you over
you walk the hell away
Feeling ::
Listening To :: King of the Hill