Yeah, it's a new layout. I've been beyond preoccupied lately with RL so... but you've all heard that before. I don't know how much longer I can take RL... but I'm trying.
Last Wednesday's episode of Lost pretty much killed any happy feelings I had toward the old layout. That, and the clashing colors were killing me. I wanted something new & different. I had a heck of a time deciding what layout I wanted... first, it was Andy Roddick, then Sam/Jack, then I was going to give up, then after 3 hours or so I decided on stock. I made two different headers and decided on this one because the other was too plain. Anyway, I think it's pretty. Oh, and the new title is a time to love, after this one excerpt from Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament. I think it's a nice, positive title. I could use some positivity in my life right now :/
Hope you all are doing well ♥
Feeling ::
Listening To :: Nature