Catching My Breath: NaNo Day 12

Nov 13, 2006 05:03

Day Twelve: 634 words

With Keket’s knowledge and OK, I’m cheating a bit-making the deadline for my day dawn rather than midnight. Because I had lots to do today, and I don’t want to have a “day” go by without doing something. I thought I’d just tread water again, but damn, darth_luna has shamed inspired me to do better than that.

She’s going to try to do 500 words a day to continue her wonderfully engaging DM/HG fic, Dangerous Words in a Foreign Language-and credits me with the idea-if she can do that, I can at least try and match that determination with her and do at least 500 words a day-until I can recover the word mileage I need by the end of the month.

And damn if it didn’t happen.

(Points up)

Hello, 634.

Not great guns by the measure of what I should be doing-but damn good compared to lately. So, thank you, Darth.

More Dame Sans Merci

For a while we were consumed with studying and making notes in the margins. Or at least that was what I was trying to do. But I was too aware of him just a few metres across from me and couldn’t help stealing looks - and more than once I’d catch him glancing back, then darting away, as if chagrined he’d been caught.

Finally, after minutes of playing this game he caught my glance and held it, then threw down his parchment with a disgusted look. “Why? Why me, Hermione? Why emulate me? Surely you realised my guise as the bat of the dungeons made me few friends. I’d raised up an entire generation of wizards and witches out for my blood by the time came for a reckoning. And you have none of the reasons I had.”

My throat tightened. “I had one.”

“Really? What is that?”

“You survived. You’re a survivor. You. Are. Alive.”

“So were you at the end of all of it. You weren’t this . . . hard.”

To all those on my f-list who just faced down the evil unblinking eye of the SSHG_exchange deadline and came in with their fics, congrats! and virtual chocolate-to those still struggling to make it within their extension-good luck! I’m looking forward to reading your fics and viewing your art when I can catch my breath.


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