Sorting/Voting Rules

Jan 27, 2006 20:21

Sorting Rules and Requirements

1. You must fill out an application and place it in a new post. (Do NOT use the application tag in your post)

2. Make sure to fill the application out as thoroughly as possible.

3. Once you are sorted, you will be stamped by the HeadMistress and given instructions and links as to what communities are available to you. (Please do not mistake the HeadMistress's vote for a stamping, and please do not attempt to join any other of the communities besides this one and hogwartsharmony, until you have been stamped).

4. If you are stamped as a muggle, squib, or a no vote, you simply need to edit/redo your application and try again. You will NOT be removed from the community, we simply need better/more/different answers to in order to place you in the best house.

5. Do not respond to a fellow members vote for your application.

6. Put your Application in a new post behind an LJ-cut.

7. Shortly after you are sorted, you will receive a special icon to use in the community, please edit your post using this icon so it is visually obvious where you have been sorted in.

8. Please make sure there are no XML tags and the like in your post, it seems to be interfering with the editing of tags.

Voting Rules

1. When voting please sign it with your name/username and your house (how else are we going to know which house to give the house points to) or use the icon supplied to you by our Professor of Graphics.

2. Please only vote if you have been sorted.

3. Take the following into consideration:

Gryffindor values courage, loyalty, chivalry and boldness

Slytherin values ambition and cunning.

Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses, valuing hard work and patience, friendship, and justice and fair play.

Ravenclaw values intelligence, knowledge, and wit.

Squib one who seems to be pushing for a particular house.

Muggle one who doesn't seem to be pushing for a house, but you can't quite figure out where they belong.

No Vote application isn't completely filled out so therefore you cannont come to a choice as to what house the applicant belongs to OR for one reason or another you do not feel comfortable giving the applicant your vote.

sorting rules

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