Name: Selin
Age: 18
Where did you find out about us?
From my sister’s lj,
p_delusional What Wizarding World profession/occupation would you choose and why?
This may sound clichéd, but I’d like to become an Auror. Because I’d want to do something about the Dark Wizards and the chaos they cause. I’d want to help and keep them from hurting people, I just can’t sit back and watch. I know I can help people if I choose other jobs too, Healing for example, but then I’d have to get really high marks. And I hate hospitals =D And nobody can deny that being an Auror is exciting, and excitement is one of the things I look for in a job.
What Hogwart’s subject would you like to teach and why?
Defence Against the Dark Arts. I’ve given this question a lot of thought, and my answer was always the same. I considered the other subjects too because I don’t want to sound clichéd. There is always a harmless way to defend yourself, no matter how difficult it is.
What would your animagus form be, if you had a say in the matter, and why?
A cat. A wild and big cat. A jaguar. There are stronger animals than it, but its advantage is being faster. Very independent.
What HP character do you identify with most and why?
As much as I hate to say this, it’s Sirius Black. Sirius is not my favorite character, but I can’t deny that we are similar. I don’t like him much because I see my own faults in him. We’re both a tad over-protective over the ones we love, sometimes we idolize them too much, we’re both slightly obsessive. To stand out for people’s rights against family/friends not entirely because of the obvious reasons, but because of a desperate need to prove that you’re not like them. Recklessness. Letting your heart decide and not your brain, which leads to being somewhat immature and too bold. And I couldn’t care less about being “proper” and rules. On the other hand, we’re both loyal friends, passionate, outgoing and we mean well.
What do you think you would see if you looked into the Mirror of Erised?
I honestly don’t know. I could see myself accomplished. Impossible things like everlasting love.
If you could invent one spell/potion/charm, what would it do, how would you use it, and what would it be called?
Probably something that messes with emotions. I could make a potion that makes your current mood/what you feel at that time last.
If given the chance, would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire to compete as a Triwizard Champion? Why or why not?
Er. It all depends on a moment of madness. I’d be totally indecisive, but at the end I would give it a try...I think. And it’s not all about wanting eternal glory or being “stupid”, I hate it when people simplify it like that.
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into? And what does it turn into when you throw the counter-spell, Riddikulus?
Dead body of a loved one. After I throw the counter-spell s/he would stand up and start laughing.
What do you look for in a friend?
Loyalty, intelligence, reliability, courage, tolerance
What trait most annoys you about other people?
People who think they know everything and people who try to tell me what to do.
What trait most annoys you about yourself?
I am hot-tempered.
What do you think are your top four abilities or qualities?
I’m passionate, loving, independent, determined
What do you think are your top four weaknesses or worst qualities?
As I said earlier, being hot-tempered. Recklessness, which causes me to screw up at the end. I criticize myself to the point of getting self-destructive. My inability to trust someone completely and make myself vulnerable.
You were just given a pensieve as a gift, what memories would you choose to place in it and why?
Happy memories with friends and family. Especially my first kiss, my first time *cough*, my childhood memories with my sister and mother. Sad memories will do me no good, so I’ll won’t put them in the pensieve. I try not to become one of the “people who dwell on sad memories” =P
What are your feelings on the Dark Arts? Are you for it, against it, or indifferent about it?
Against it. End of the story. People who try to achieve things with Dark Arts are understandable but pathetic, and always end up worse than before. It’s kinda like a drug addiction.
Which character from Harry Potter is your favorite and why?
Harry. For a thousand reasons. He’s a wonderful friend, brave, loyal, modest… I could go on and on.
Which character from Harry Potter is your LEAST favorite and why (You may not say Voldemort, Umbridge, or any known Death Eaters since they are written with the intention of dislike)?
Molly Weasley. Don’t get me started. She is useless, single-minded, overly-emotional and also manipulative. She doesn't want her children to live a life she doesn't like. She exists only as a mother and doesn't see herself as anything else. She has way too many kids, that's okay but she doesn't give them the same attention and care, okay that could be impossible, but she doesn't even try. And, by the way she still means well, and Harry did get some motherly love from her but that isn't a reason for me to like her since it's the only thing she does, lol.
As a student at Hogwarts, how would you spend your free time?
Hanging out with my friends, watching (and hopefully playing) Quidditch, reading, hopefully studying, sleeping.
Which class do you think you would do well in? Why?
Potions because I’m interested in Potions and I love brewing. Runes because I’m good at learning other languages.
Which class do you think you wouldn't do well in and why?
Arithmancy. I hate even the word.
If you were on your house Quidditch team what position would you LIKE to play and why?
Seeker. Chaser would be fine too.
If you were on your house Quidditch team what position do you think you SHOULD play and why?
Seeker again. Because I’m fast and I have a small frame.
Which of the Harry Potter books was your favorite and why?
DH (without the epilogue, of course, I burned that.) No matter what everyone says, it was a perfect ending. I can say OoTP too.
Which Harry Potter book was your least favorite and why?
HBP. Utter crap. JKR could write a book about socializing without writing them all out of character.
Which Harry Potter movie was your favorite and why?
OoTP. Yes, the movie wasn’t perfect, but it had more depth.
Which Harry Potter movie was your least favorite and why?
CoS. Never liked the book. Never liked the movie.
If you could change ONE thing in the series, what would it be and why?
I wouldn’t change a thing. And I can’t bother to change OBHWF, because I’ve always seen that as a joke, anyway.
I think it is safe to say that Harry Potter is full of symbolism, so to go along with that, please click on the specified links and follow the directions.
Go to this site: Symbolism: Colors
Pick the color that most appeals to you and copy and paste what it says about you:
Red can symbolize many things; from blood, to love, to infatuation. Basically red symbolizes strong emotions, or things of strong emotions rather than intellectual ideas. For example, red can symbolize excitement, energy, speed, strength, danger, passion, and aggression.
According to Henry Dreyfus, it is popularly felt that red, the color of blood and fire, represents life and vitality. Red also signifies the color of the sun: a symbol of energy, radiating its vitalizing life-force into human beings. Red is also looked upon as a sensual color, and can be associated with man's most profound urges and impulses. Ironically, red cats symbolize bad luck.
Do you agree?
Yes. Everyone who knows me a little bit can tell that I’m obsessed with the color red. They also say it fits well with my personality, I agree.
Go to this site: Symbolism: Elements
Pick the element that appeals to you most and copy and paste what it says about you:
Fire. If there ever was a dichotomous element it would be Fire. Fire, the bringer of destruction, the symbolism of chaos and war. Fire burns everything, bringing nothing but ruin. And yet, Prometheus risked the wrath of the Titans to bring fire to man. Fire banishes the darkness. Fire cleanses and purifies. Lastly, sometimes Love is spoken of as an eternal flame. Fire.
Fire can be shown as an agent of destruction. Everyone can imagine the scene where the heroine looks down and the town is awash in flames. Fire is also usually used for strong emotional feelings (such as love, hate, desire, and determination). Fire can also be used to express determination or a strong desire as well.
Characters and things that are shown to have a 'fire-esq' quality to them usually have a red-colored theme to them. Red because flames and coals have a red coloration to them. They are also more likely to be violent (in this case violent meaning extreme and chaotic) in their response and more likely to rush into a situation without completely thinking the consequences through. For example, Hino Rei / Sailor Mars (from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon) is Fire personified, but she is hardly evil, nor does she have evil intents. She is strong-willed, hot-tempered, and incredibly determined and independent, that's all.
Do you agree?
Yes, all of it. There isn’t a single exception, it all fits well.
Go to this site: Zodiac
Click on your Zodiac sign and copy and paste what it says about you:
Ruler: Moon / Element: Water / Mode: Cardinal
Pole: Negative / Third: Primordial / Half: Subjective
Nurturing, support, belonging, emotional bonds; your roots, source, ground of your being; the unconscious, feelings, emotion; the Great Mother, Universal Womb; spirit's first emotional attachments to the world.
Mothering, emotional and physical nurturance; experiences and imprinting during infancy and childhood; family, ancestors, heritage, relationships to the past; belonging, feeling "at home"; maternal love, caring; feeling supported by the world, that your needs are provided for; insecurities and fears if your needs haven't been fulfilled; possessiveness, "twisted love", inability to nurture others are negative expressions.
Do you agree?
I don’t. I love feeling at home, but hell no, not that much. I'm not domestic and I don't like domestical people. Everybody’s first reaction is “lol, wut?” when I tell them I’m a Cancer =D My birthday is 19th July, I was born a week earlier then the supposed date. My mother once said that I’m a mix of Cancer and Leo. I’m more like Leo, when I think about it.
Go to this site: Choose your wand.
Pick your wand and then paste what the site says about your wand:
9 inches, Swishy, Yew, Dragon Heartstring - Your wand is good in the Dark careful.....
Let’s do a little word association here (you may go over one word, but please keep it concise). When you hear the following words you immediately think…
Courage: Freedom
Loyalty: Heartbreak
Intelligence: Loneliness
Ambition: Achievement
Name a person, alive, dead or even a character from a movie or book, that you most admire. Why do you admire this person?
There are some qualities I admire in every person in my life, but if I have to get more specific, I’d say my mother. Her strength always amazed me, how she always goes on. She’s very understanding and loving. And I don’t think a closer mom and daughter friendship exists in the world =)
If you could own any magical creature, what would it be?
A phoenix. They are the most beautiful and poetic creatures in the world =)
What is the worst quality you believe that a person, any person, can possess?
Not caring about other people’s emotions, lack of sympathy and looking at life through their own narrow views.
What event in your life influenced you the most? And if you could go back in time to change it, would you?
There are little things that influenced me, nothing big and worth mentioning here.
Please go
HERE, have at least 3 friends fill it out in addition to yourself and post your link here:
Here it is.
You have a chance to make one Horcrux for yourself. What would you you use and why?
I wouldn’t.
You are on a life raft in the middle of the ocean after your cruise ship capsized. You are one of four people who survived: a pregnant woman who is eight and half months in, a man who knows how to navigate by using just the stars, and a woman who knows the cure for cancer and AIDS. You know how to purify salt water with just a few items you managed to salvage. The life raft cannot hold the weight of the four people and is slowly deflating. Now here is the question: You have to decide to throw one person overboard and leave them to fend for themselves in shark infested waters. Who do you decide to sacrifice?
The logical answer is sacrificing the pregnant lady, imagine how many lives can be saved if the man and I manage to return to the shore with the woman who knows the cure for AIDS and cancer. I would decide to sacrifice her but when it comes to doing it... no. I’d back the hell away, I just can’t let the poor woman and the baby die. I would sacrifice myself, and hopefully they can find their way fast enough so they won’t die from thirst.
Out of the four founders, which would you like to meet, and why?
Slytherin. I’d go to him and ask why he has started this stupid prejudice. Probably he was afraid of the Muggles, bah.
What song, if there is one, do you think really reflects your ideals or worldviews?
The same answer as my sister, lol, any Placebo song. Also There There by Radiohead would be fine too.
Which house do you feel you belong in and why?
Gryffindor. It feels like home.
What house do you think you WOULDN'T belong in and why?
Ravenclaw. Don’t kill me. I value intelligence, but I just don’t think that logic is the answer to everything.
Why do you want to be part of this community? Will you remain active in the sub-communities and voting after you've been stamped in a house?
Of course.