Sniping the thirty-sixth target.

May 02, 2009 14:16

Pick 10 people from as many worlds as you wish.
Answer 16 questions. Drabble responses are very welcome, too.

Bonus: Name the meme pairing you like best and least.
Double bonus: Write a fic about either or both, featuring the situation from the meme.

1) Lyle
2) Setsuna
3) Haro
4) Tieria
5) Allelujah
6) Feldt
7) Tohru
8) Anise
9) Eden
10) Lilith

1. Describe the children of [Haro] and [Tohru]? Are they good parents?

Well, they'd probably be Haros, except they'd have little cat ears and whiskers, because Tohru loves the cat. But any time the other Haros gave them any grief about it at school, Haro would come to protect them, and Tohru would comfort them afterwards. I shouldn't even need to say it, but Haro and Tohru would be wonderful parents to them.

2. Describe [Allelujah] and [Lyle]'s first kiss.

I'm not really comfortable saying things like about my little brother! Should I be? Maybe I was But I know it'd be great. I'd be disappointed if Lyle hadn't learned how to kiss well by now.

3. How would [Setsuna] react to if [Feldt] is pregnant with [Lilith]'s baby?

He might be a little surprised, but he'd handle it really well. A little thing like that wouldn't faze him. He'd be there to support Feldt the whole time.

4. How does [Feldt] convince [Tohru] to go with her on a date?

It wouldn't take a whole lot of convincing. They're both really sweet girls. Feldt might give Tohru some tips on how to organize the Year of the Cat fanclub's presence on the Network. And that's when Tohru would realize that she and Feldt would make a great team: Feldt to handle the computers, Tohru to help Feldt with people.

5. Where would [Eden] and [Feldt] go for their honeymoon? How is [Tieria] going to sabotage their honeymoon?

Feldt would be happy to go visit Eden's home in Ireland. But Tieria would hack the controls for the plane taking them there and bring them right back here. I don't know why he'd do, I've got an idea. He'd be jealous, wouldn't he? I'd better make sure he knows not to be jealous during honeymoons before any of his friends get married.

6. [Feldt] is in love with [Lyle]. [Haro] confesses his love to [Feldt]. Whom would [Feldt] pick? Does [Anise] think she made the right choice?

I'm a little confused about why Feldt would be in love with Lyle in the first place if she had Haro. Of course Haro would be a much better choice for her! Lyle's taken, and she and Haro have been friends for a very long time. You know, it might be Anise who helped her see that she was in love with Haro all along.

7. [Allelujah] and [Setsuna] must pretend to be a married couple. Why?

Probably for a mi--[security system cuts in, the rest of this answer is garbled]

8. [Lilith] is moving in with [Eden]. What do they fight about the most?

Maybe Eden's boss, Dr. House. I have the feeling that he's a very different type of doctor than Lilith.

9. How will [Tieria] prove his love to [Lyle]?

Tieria would have trouble proving his love, so Lyle would just have to recognize it. But Tieria would figure out something. He's learning every day.

10. [Tohru] and [Tieria]. Love at first sight?

Tieria will deny it if you ask him, but I think it's possible. Even if it was love at first sight, it'd be rocky, because I don't think Tieria knows how to admit it. He'd just keep saying, "Your math skills are subpar," when what he really meant to say was, "I love you."

11. What would [Setsuna] give [Eden] for Valentine's Day?

That one's easy. He'd give her [hello security system, hello indecipherable text] --cate conflict.

12. Under what circumstances could [Haro] and [Allelujah] have a happy end?

I want to say almost any circumstances, because Haro could be happy with anyone and I know he could make a lot of people happy, but Marie might make things difficult. Maybe they could try all three of them getting together.

11. What would [Feldt] like to change about [Lilith]? Does [Lilith] approve?

There isn't really anything that Feldt would need to change about her. She might introduce her to Haro, though, so that they could be friends.

12. [Setsuna] and [Tohru] are together. Who is more protective of the other?

Setsuna can be a really protective guy when he needs to be, and Tohru's the sort of girl who inspires you to protect her. So that's the way it'd go. But I bet Tohru can protect someone pretty hard when she needs to.

13. Who is first going to say "I love you", [Lyle] or [Eden]?

I don't know. But Lyle's had a girlfriend now, and I'm sure he can tell her he loves her, so it can't be that hard for him to speak up about it. Right?

14. Describe [Lilith] and [Tieria]'s perfect romantic outing.

They'd like to sit somewhere nice and quiet, away from other people. Lilith can handle them, I know, but she wouldn't want to make Tieria uncomfortable. Then they'd just spend the night talking, and Tieria would learn a lot about being human from Lilith, and maybe even get a new view of religion. It would be a very sweet date!

15. Who suffers from pre-wedding jitters, [Haro] or [Anise]? How does bridesmaid [Lilith] soothe them?

Haro would be calm--he's a steadier guy than he looks. Anise, on the other hand...she wouldn't be all that jittery, I think, but she might get a little too excited. Lilith would tell her sensible things to calm her down, but her attitude would help more than anything. She's got a talent for the bedside manner, I think.

16. [Feldt] is a secret admirer. What presents will she make the man of her dreams?

I've never really thought about Feldt making someone presents before. I don't know why I haven't thought about it, since it's a great idea. Maybe she'd make them a new site on the Network, or their own special Haro. Either way, she'd put a lot of thought into it.

Bonus: I have trouble picking between Haro/Tohru and Haro/Feldt for my favorite, and Tieria/Tohru is close behind. My least favorite...that feels like an unfair question to ask. Allelujah/Lyle, since they both love their girlfriends so much.
Double bonus: I'm not much of a writer. But if anyone else wants to give it a try, go ahead and show me. Especially if you want to write about Haro and Tohru's kids. I'd love to hear about them.

[OOC: Affected with the Quizzes and Questionnaires curse. Yes, he is in fact encouraging everyone on the Network to write fanfiction pairing up his friends.

Strikes refer to this thread, and they are not there.]

affected, sometimes people are funny, curses, idk my bff haro

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