Of Trade with the ManDrake

Jul 10, 2010 19:10

This is the trade agreement as related to me by Baroness Izett Argent and Quina ManDrake. I am pleased Monsalvat could come to an understand with House ManDrake given my Friendship With the Proxy. I think both sides win on this trade agreement.

Quina looks up from her cup, and smiles. "Lady Izett." she replies as she rises. "I'm so glad we're finally able to meet." A gesture invites her in and to join her.

Izett moves to take a seat smoothing her skirts beneath her, "Yes finally. I did not think our schedules would ever match with my visits to Amber. Thank you for meeting with me today." she offers politely.

Quina inclines her head, then returns to her seat once Izett has taken hers. "It's been difficult, yes. My own fault, to be certain. I've had needs for my time in Arden." she replies. "Thank you, too, for taking the time. Mandrake is very interested in organizing trade between our homes." Her voice is entirely calm and even.

Izett smiles warmly, "Well in truth I will accept half the blame. I am not always in Amber to arrange for such discussions." she offers pleasantly, "I had spoken with..Lady Proxy about the trade of lanolin and linen." she offers up softly.

Quina nods. "It can be a chore, when we both have other responsibilities." she says, then pours a second cup of tea. "I'm sure that we can comem to some accommodations for your goods. Mandrake doesn't have ships of its own, but we do a great deal of business with Chantris.

Izett nods her head gently considering, "Well like I said to the trade table I can bring high grade lanolin, linen, and fabric dyes though I am uncertain if you would wish the dyes. I am not entirely familiar with what House Mandrake trades in outside of being excellent doctors and the hospital." she offers accepting the cup of tea adding in a bit of honey and cream, "Thank you."

Quina considers as she offers the cup, then asks "Do you happen to know the origin of your dyes? Are they chemical, or floral? A mixture? They're not a standard good that Mandrake might typically deal in, no."

Izett nods her head gently, "The majority of the dyes are plant and floral based. We don't typically deal in bugs or chemicals." she offers in responce lifting the cup for a sip. "The lanolin, we deal in a lot of very fine wool. The lanolin is from the very sheep we trade high end wool from. The linen, we use a number of biological fertilizers to propogate and create a fine linen, hand spun and woven to the weight you would need."

Quina listens, then nods. "The dyes, you're likely to get better prices from others. The linen and lanolin we can always use in our uniforms and in the hospital." She considers, then says "Can you tell me something about your home and its specific needs?"

Izett tilts her head, "Well currently we are looking for horses, and armor..weapons, that sort of thing. I had hoped that we could help each other out with this sort of trade."

Quina smiles. "I'm sure we can. Mandrake has some fine blacksmiths. We also have some exceptional herds in the countryside. What numbers of horses are we talking?"

Izett hmms softly, "Well I would need to examine the horses to truely barter consider the exacts on heads of the herd." she considers for several moments, Mulling over the amounts.

Quina nods. "I can be certain of your interest in some of our horses. As perhaps the best horse trainer in Amber, I've a good eye for quality." she replies with a smile.

Izett tilts her head in consideration, "I do not disagree with your skills, as I know my own trade skills in evaluating fabric better than most. We can go with fair market value for your horses versus fair market value for the lanolin and linen..and the shipping fees, taxes an even up split?"

Quina smiles. "It should be no difficulty at all." she replies. "Will you be in Amber long? I can arrange for a day trip, so that you can have a look at some of our herds, and I'll speak with our blacksmiths about what we have available at this time."

Izett smiles warmly, "I should be in Amber long enough to view the herds. Then I need to catch the last ship back to Lyonesse for the Celebration on Thursday. Have you recieved an invitation to the celebration?" she questions taking a sip of her tea.

Quina looks curious. "I'm afraid I've been away from the city. I'm a little behind on the news."

Izett smiles softly, "Through the various trade agreements Monsalvat has recently made as well as some arrangements with King Benedict we have been able to arrange for families and a group of orphans from New Lyonesse to Lyonesse. The Barony of Argent Meadows is hosting a celebration as well as a birthday party for the children as they meet their new families on Thursday evening."

Quina ahhhs. "Yes. I heard about the orphans. It's marvelous that they're able to finally find a home in a way they couldn't here in Amber." she says, smiling. "I'm not sure that I can get to Argent Meadows, but I will try. I haven't been to Lyonesse in far too long."

Izett smiles warmly, "Well you and all your friends are certainly welcome to join us. All of the Baronies have gotten together to host this celebration. Grand Master Harold will be hosting a tournament of joust and foot tourney as well during the evening activities."

Quina nods to her. "Perhaps I'll speak with Lady Celeste, and see what can be done. I'm sure that Lord Theophrastus can spare me in Arden for a few days."

Izett nods her head slowly, "We would be very pleased to see you at the Celebrations. Speaking of which. I should be off to pack for my trip back. I am certain, Lord Pascal would wait for me, however I would not wish to keep him waiting."

Quina smiles, and rises again. "I am so pleased we were finally able to do this." she says. "Mandrake is happy to help the recovery in Lyonesse in any way we can. If there's more we can arrange, like some medical training for some of your people, please do ask."

Izett smiles warmly moving to rise setting down her empty tea cup, "Thank you so much for the tea and your kind off. I will let the elders of the villages know of your kind offer and if there is any interested in such we can speak again of it. And of course if there is any specialized medication you need please do let me know and I will be happy to check our gardens for you." offering a gentle curtsey, "Thank you again for your time and the meeting." she offers as she moves to leave.
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