Cutting them off at the Root.

Aug 05, 2010 15:25

Armed with knowledge we set out to see if we could end the damn zombies attacks on our town.

There is a chilly ground fog this morning. As the sun starts to climb the Crusade's foot soldiers begin the task of digging up the main root System. Harold stands at the edge of town. A group of Knight from Brentinor are already mounted, waiting for orders. Celeste is mounted and ready, most of her injuries seem to have significantly mended over the evening hours. She notes to Harold, "I'm told so long as the originator-that is the necromancer responsible, is alive this cannot be destroyed. I'm all for hindering it, though I expect...lash back as it attempts to defend itself." she looks up, "where's Shane, I need to warn him about something..." Emma comes out of - well, who knows where? She's been largely absent for the entirety of the night, and has returned just as suddenly. Her horse is still around, though, and she's collected it from the grooms, wandering toward the group with the gelding in tow. Winter is dressed in fresh clothing and even some easy to wear armor provided by Viscountess Windemere. Feeling badly about having gotten the last horse killed, she has opted to walk unless someone insisted she ride. She makes her way towards the others. The chill in the air doesn't seem to bother her at all. After last night's guard duty, Shane took the time to trump back to Amber and pick up a suite of armor, and then return. He's wearing the massive armor now, a fantastic work of craftsmanship in plate armor that evokes the Dragon that is part of his title, and heritage. Having borrowed a heavier weight war horse from the Knights, he joins the group that's gathering with his helmet tucked under one arm and a shield hooked to one side of his saddle. "Morning, did I hear you asking for me, Celeste?" As he approaches he gives everyone a nod in greeting, flashing Celeste a smile. Chessy snorts and nudges Harold eager for action. Harold is knocked forward a step by the huge animal "You Brazen Stru...." he notes everyone is here. Then climbs into the saddle. A squire brings a horse up for Winter. "Good morning" he calls in a cheery voice his own armor seeming to gleam in the fog shrouded light. "What a good day for farming." In the fields the infantry are busy ripping up roots. They are mostly former farmers anyway. Bill's are excellent for hacking up large clusters of the black roots. Celeste's lips twitch but there's a grim air about her this morning, not anxious but there is tension present, "Aye. If you tag along on any more root expeditions I want you to be advised and aware that Mandrakes are sensitive to it's...presence. As we approach one of the main trunk you may feel vibrations from some distance away. I don't know why, and at best it's an irritation rather than a real concern, but it gets stronger as you approach. advised." she nods to Emma and Winter, "Any wagers for outcomes, ladies?" Emma says, easily, "That's not terribly kind, Sir Harold, whatever you think of me." There's a flash of mischief in her eyes, suggesting she's well aware the near-insult was directed at his horse, not her. The redhead swings herself up into the saddle, unencumbered by armor. She gives Celeste a vague sort of smile. "Well, it's a sure bet I'll stalk off in a huff before the day's over." Winter smiles as she nods to Celeste "I wouldn't dare hazard a guess, Lady Proxy. Not after everything we've seen. But I have faith." She looks to the man bringing her a horse and smiles. "I shall try to out of trouble today Grand Master Harold." Her impish grin suggests otherwise however. "Hmm..sensitive are we? Alright..I'm so advised. " Shane says, glancing out at the troops in the fields, resting one gauntleted hand upon the hilt of the sword at his hip. He nods to Harold and Emma, "It is good to see you both again." and then his glance shifts to Winter, "Lady, I'm not sure that we've been formally introduced, I'm Lord Shane de'Mandrake." he says in a quiet toned bass voice that rumbles slightly deep in his chest. The Grand Master glances to Emma "Your Excellency, I would never call you a strumpet" he pats his horses neck. His tone very dry "When they start to hit the big trunks of roots...if this ...thing...thinks we should see a reaction." a nod to Shane "working on anything interesting in your shop M'Lord" Celeste smirks at Emma, "And it's a certainty I'll run my mouth at the wrong moment." she admits easily despite the vague air of tension about her. She is mounted and folks seem to be converging and preparing for an outing of some sort. Emma gives Harold a decidedly amused look, but withholds comment for the moment. Celeste is given a similar look, but she holds her tongue for the moment. Winter smiles brightly at Shane, "Lady Winter of Amber and Fairhaven, M'Lord. Tis a pleasure to meet you." She fidgets in the armor a touch as she is clearly not use to it. Shane returns Winter's smile with one of his own, "The pleasure's mine, m'lady." To Harold he nods, smiling a bit once more, "Things have been rather busy there of late, though a bit of a distraction to stretch my legs now and again is always rather welcome." Quina finds those converging and preparing for an outing. She's on foot, but seems ready if wanted. "Good day, all." she says, bowing given she's in pants. "May I, if you're going where I might learn more of the root?" Harold slips his helm on "Not enough hours in the day" he says to Shane "King Benedict commission a suit of Armor from me just before all this began." Harold motions to his squire. "Give the Lady your horse squire." Harold's squire dismounts and offers the reins to Quina "M'lady" he says softly offering a bow. Celeste looks sheepish, "Shane is The Dragon General of Mandrake and I've the rare honor to call him brother. He's a pain but you'll be hard pressed to be find a more sterling example of House Mandrake, rivaled only by our esteemed cousin, Lady Quina." She looks up and smiles, "Speaking of Quina, hello. We are going but..ah..I do not believe it is for...ah...posterity's sake. I was just telling Shane about the..ah..weird air about the thing." She glances, "You have met Lady Quina before, yes, Grandmaster? She is an expert on certain forms of life and has graciously come to lend her expertise to the endeavors concerning this...thing." As the infantry continue drawing closer to the trunk that was discovered yesterday. A sentinel cries out "ZOMBIES!" in the mist their forms seem to pour forth in their shambling gait. . Emma may be about to comment, when her gaze snaps up, just moments before the sentry calls out. There isn't much surprise on her features at the cry, but there is a small amount of resignation. "And, here we go again," she murmurs. Shane chuckles and shakes his head, "Celeste, there's no need to go parading my title around like that, it's more than a bit cumbersome." A nod's given to Harold, "Congratulations, you do great work and quite obviously deserve it." Just as he nods to Quina in greeting, giving her a smile, there's the call from the sentential and he looks in that direction. His manner hardens then and where before there was a relatively easy going man, he clearly becomes all business and battle now. Putting his helmet on he starts his horse in the direction of the cry, unhooking his shield from it's rest on his saddle as he starts to trot in that direction. Winter's expression echo's Emma's resignation as she rolls her eyes "Zombies..." She sighs and the air around her grows cold and a blade of shimmering ice appears in her hand. "So much for staying out of trouble..." She is clearly ready for a fight despite everything. Quina inclines her head to the squire as she's offered the horse, and there's a few quiet sounds towards the animal in its own tongue though she pauses to smile towards Celeste at the compliment. Then, of course, there's the call and she frowns and returns the horse to the squire in favor of staying on the ground for this. Her expression stays calm as she too moves quickly towards the call. "We need one to remain animated!" she calls to the others. Chessy starts forward at a touch of Harold's spurs. Harold adjusts his brightly painted shield. His Axe in hand "Keep them off my soldiers." he shouts to his Knights. A horn sounds and the Knights of Brentinor ride forth with Harold. Celeste issues a heavy exhale and looks irritated, "I am friggin tired of this motherfu-..." she notes the ladies and bites her tongue looking irritable rather than alarmed as she draws her sword. She calls out, making the most of her big mouth, "Leave one one intact!" Emma gives Celeste a glance. "We're in a land populated by zombies. Just what -did- you expect, Lady Proxy?" she asks, before drawing her own rapier. "More than usual, this time," she says, quietly, as if not quite expecting to be listened to. Winter doesn't go chasing after the Knights, knowing full well some of the battle will be coming to her. She puts herself in a position to assist rather then charge forthright into the mass. "Can't imagine why we didn't smell them coming a mile off..." She wrinkles her nose as the smell starts to permeate the land, "Maybe I'm just getting too use to it..." Something about that thought disturbs her. Shane draws the silvery glass like blade from it's scabbard at his hip as he continues towards, and then past the sentinel that raised the cry. He slows his pace enough that he remains the vanguard..but not so much as to be caught by the rest following. With an obviously practiced motion he taps Ormr on one plate armor covered calf and an almost inaudible tone rings out..and settles into a low hum around him just before the blade is covered in a sheath of fire. Quina might be on foot, but she's really, really fast as she heads towards the incoming invasion. She pauses though, and stares at Shane when that tone rings out. It's a brief pause though, as her mind is pulled back to the immediate and she bolts forward again. Chessy is gallops now Harold leaning forward the Axe held straight out from his body. He urges the Chestnut mare faster aiming to drive them back from the infantry who keep chopping and hacking at the root trunk! The other Knights cry out their war cries whooping and shouting at the draw near the mass. RPG: Celeste challenges a difficulty of 10. Celeste chooses Wits and the gifts DRG-BS and SKL-WM. Celeste succeeds. RPG: Winter challenges a difficulty of 10. Winter chooses Grace and the gifts BLD-OB, ICE-WM, SKL-WM, and STY-UE. Winter succeeds. RPG: 'force gkn-kg phy-st skl-ar skl-mc sty-kn' is not a valid stat name. Choose: Force Grace Wits Resolve. RPG: Quina challenges a difficulty of 10. Quina chooses Resolve. Quina almost succeeds. Celeste snorts, "Not just these-just in general. Admit it-IT's ALWAYS goddamn zombies, isn't it?" she sniffs, "We were expected, it seems." and no, she doesn't sound surprised. she kicks her horse forward, sword lifting and arm rolling as she engages. RPG: Emma challenges a difficulty of 10. Emma chooses Wits and the gifts DEA-BN, DEA-FM, and STY-SW. Emma succeeds. RPG: Harold challenges a difficulty of 10. Harold chooses Force and the gifts GKN-KG, PHY-ST, SKL-AR, SKL-MC, and STY-KN. Harold succeeds. RPG: Shane challenges a difficulty of 10. Shane chooses Force and the gifts FGT-ES, FIR-WR, PHY-ST, SKL-AR, and SKL-MC. Shane succeeds. Emma gives Celeste a nonplussed look. "Would I be needed here if it weren't?" she wonders, before spurring her horse forward. She's not nearly so flashy as others - no sword coated in fire, no great battle cry, but when she nears the oncoming horde, she is brutally efficient, and when she strikes, the creature stays down. As a matter of fact, the zombies sometimes dissolve into chunks of rotted flesh and ichor, her horse mindless of what it's trampling through. Winter moves forward with the others. Her sword of ice glittering in the light as she engages. This time the horde doesn't get the better of her and she remains in the saddle of her horse. Every swing and slash adds to the icor and decay upon the ground of the battlefield. Shane rides right into the onward rush of zombies, his aim to break their charge and scatter them. Despite their massed rush it seems the Dragon General is always just at the right spot, shield placed to push one zombie away just as his flaming sword rains a heavy blow down on the first one that comes within reach. All the force of his initial charge is delivered in that blow, and combined with his strength it sends flaming chunks of zombie flying back into the ranks behind them. Once he's found a spot that's clear enough for his horse to maneuver he comes to a halt and begins to do his best to deliver fire and dismemberment to any zombie that comes within reach. Quina is not a warrior, though she seems to know how to move in a fight. She's not good enough to strike them or avoid being struck, but that doesn't seem to be her goal as she watches how they move. She's not aimed for the densest throng of course, instead looking for where they're lighter in numbers, and her expression is one of someone deeply focused. She'll be taking some hits, given the sheer numbers, but she doesn't collapse under them or the like. She also doesn't try to stay long at it. A charge from heavy cavalry is a hard thing to resist. As Harold hits the mass zombie are driven from their feet tossed around like toys during a child's tantrum. The Knights of Brentinor follow Sir Harold into the mass, their only goal to protect the footman who hack at the root trunk. Chessy's iron shod hooves smash and crush, perhaps even more effectively then Harold Axe, in moments His armor drips with rotter flesh and whatever fluids remain in the creatures. Celeste slices through them, her blade moving in swift combos to sever their heads. Celeste spies Quina and blinks, "Are you mad?" she grunts and swiftly turns and moves to guard Quina growling with an abrupt viciousness as a booted heel slams out, there's a sickening crunch of bone and the head of another goes *THUD* as it hits the ground, "Severe the head and they go down." she calls to Shane-not that he needs the advice. The low thrumming vibration becomes frantic, Zombies push toward the root trunk, dead hands extended , cold fingers reaching out almost desperate to reach the infantry. Emma pauses, mid fight, to look down at a zombie that's gotten ahold of her foot and is currently gnawing at her boot. "Really?" she asks it, her head canting to one side. "An ankle-biter?" She spends a moment continue to just watch the thing, looking briefly torn between laughter and irritation. Neither wins out, for a moment later, she jerks her foot away and returns it in a vicious kick to the thing's head. She must be stronger than she looks, for the half-rotted skull doesn't just cave in; it practically implodes. Shane notes the press towards the root and the infantry and frowns. He chuckles softly and then slides off his horse, dropping heavily to the ground. He makes a gesture at the horse's iron shod hooves and they burst into flame. That done he gives the horse a smack on the rump to send it into a charge in one direction and then he turns and starts his own thundering run across the line of the Zombie's advance. He's dropped his shield now, instead wielding both his swords in a whirling pattern of flaming death around him as he moves. Quina shakes her head. "Don't do that, Celeste! Just focus on them. I needed to see them up close." She's done that now, though, and so she moves again. Her speed gives her a great advantage in running away, though she's headed to those hacking at the truck to help them and gather more samples. The zombies claw at her when they can reach her, and it makes a mess of her blouse, but she's deceptively agile and built. Scratches and blood, but she doesn't let them stop her. House Mandrake - Each stupid in their own unique way. Winter continues her advance. Her ice blade now covered in frozen gore. She hurls it with both hands into the face of a zombie, one of her favorite tactics, and it explodes into a million razor like shards that send icor and brains into the air. The air about her holds it's icy chill adding to the chill of the morning fog, as another blade appears in her hand. She kicks and slashes, taking out every frustration from yesterday out on this bunch of Zombies. Revenge for every scratch and bite she suffered. "Blasted things!" The war Axe of Harold rises and falls cold dead hands try to find a hold on man or armored horse. The Knight form a circle trying to keep the zombies back, sheer press of numbers forcing the Circle closed. Something odd happens. As the Zombies are about to over run the Knights. The infantry hack their way through the last bit of the thick black root trunk. As they do the zombies just stop. their arm falling limply to their sides. The just shuffle about seemingly without aim. Celeste remains close to Quina, keeping Zombies off of her cousin while Quina tends to whatever it is she's about. She growls lowly, as if to warn the undead about coming near either-but of course the undead are impossible to cow. When the zombies begin to wander aimlessly, it gives Emma only momentary pause. She looks toward the trunk, and understanding washes over her features. The Feldane then slides from her saddle, and moves among the wandering undead. "Rest now," she says, softly, regret on her features as she begins delivering the coup de grace to each she passes. With some, it's a flick of her rapier that severs head from neck; with others, it's a mere touch and murmured incantation. Winter looks confused when the Zombies suddenly stop in their coordinated attacking. She looks around for a moment but it doesn't last long. She sets about putting down what zombies she can, just in case they rise up again with some semblance of the direction again. "What happened? Did they destroy the root?" She can't see the soldiers from her point of view. Shane pauses there amidst that front line he'd been making his way down, giving one aimlessly wandering zombie a shove with a burning blade that promptly sets it afire...which it carries into the next..and those two a few more. He sheathes both blades then and takes of his helmet, watching the slowly growing aimlessly wandering fire with a slightly bemused expression. "I suppose I really should put that out before it carries too far..." With the zombies losing their focus as she gets to the trunk, Quina's eyes widen. "What? What?" She's immediately to the trunk to pore over it and from where it was cut for any little detail she might note. She seems intent on being there until she's learned as much as possible from it. She does remind "We need some restrained, for study and experimentation." The Knight's pause looking at one another. "See to our dead and wounded" he orders, the rides to the infantry "Well done lads, you do Monsalvat proud." next he speaks to the Commander of the Knight's gesturing to Shane and Celeste. He nudges his spurs to Chessy's flank "Lord Shane, if you would be so kind as to over see the mop up? I need to return to HQ to handle the next group of reinforcement?"
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