- Getting up at 6 AM: awful.
- Driving 90 minutes at 6:30 AM: terrible.
- Waiting in line for registration for an additional hour: horrible.
- Everything else: INCREDIBLE!
Emerson Spartz, founder (at age 12) of MuggleNet (the #1 Harry Potter fansite), and now the cofounder of OMGFacts. I ran into Charles Trippy of CTFxC first, but felt bad about making him miss the elevator, so I didn't get a photo with him.
Hannah Hart of My Drunk Kitchen. One of my favorite things about conventions is finding out how tall people are in real life.
Tessa Violet and Shawna Howson. Passed them on an escalator and thought someone was just trying to look like Tessa; something about her face looked different to me.
Put your zebra mask on, and do the Mitchell Davis.
Two members of TeraBrite and myself, along with an old marching band friend of ours who just happened to be there.
Hipster glasses and bad facial hair. Throw in a sense of humor, and you have Kassem.
Jenna Mourey, who everyone should know has a master's in psychology.
TeraBrite getting ready for the show. Sorry about the leftover smoke from the previous performance.
Craig, aka WheezyWaiter, of Driftless Pony Club, immediately before a stellar sound check.
Toby Turner: always intense.
Oh, and I got recognized by around 7 people, two of whom wanted pictures with me. That made my day, as well as this guy giving me high praise for my own videos. Can't wait until next year.