Yesterday I was coming back from work, stuck in traffic thinking of what I would do. I wanted to do something, but at the same time I didn't want to do anything (yeah, go figure ¬¬). I finally decided that I wanted to watch X-3, so I called Rafael
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Sarah ame_infidele, Char Chargrey, Lauren untoldsarcasm, Linda lindabree and last, but not least Candy candy06I also miss my friends from school: Laura, Marina, Adan, Ju... even Bruno and Bruna, who always drive me crazy, Shasha, Rafael... I don't miss Caique that much, because he went to the game with me on Saturday
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So... I decided to go to the game on Saturday, called my friends and planned everything: Caique, Camile Debora and I were going to meet at the bus stop at 4 pm
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there's a civil war happening in my state right now. It's such a huge chaos and I'm so afraid of leaving home. There are gangs killing cops on the streets (one of them was killed on my street) and setting bus on fire. I couldn't even go to college today, my mom took the car to go to work and I was afraid she wouldn't make it home. She did, and she'
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