Oct 14, 2010 07:38

16. Favorite World Form Change

Once again, I am predictable! I love TLM, and mermaids, so of course I'm gonna love Merman!Sora.

17. Favorite Drive and/or Command Style

Really? What's more to say? Final Form was just amazing. And on the command style side of thngs, I loved WIngblade and Bladecharge

18. Most Frustrating Mini Game
No picture for this one, alas. Rumble Racing, it's like Mario Kart, with all the dificulty of it!

19. Least Favorite Boss Battle

Either Xaldin with his lance cannon thing of doom, or Zack the Human Weed Whacker. A lose-lose situation, really.

20. Favorite Boss Battle

Oh Xehanort, it always comes down to fighting a version of you. Doesn't it? Never before has a boss battle been so... so... oh I don't even know, intense? It just felt like there was a lot on the line... Well, there WAS. And we ultimately failed.

Vanitas, however, was one of the COOLEST bosses, his battle music is awesome, the way we kill him is awesome. It was just AWESOME

21. Favorite Opening Animation

image Click to view

Simple and Clean may be my favorite song, but this opening was just love.

1. Favorite Character
2. Least Favorite Character
3. Favorite Keyblade Design
4. Favorite Song from the games
5. Favorite Mini Game
6. Favorite Magic Spell

7. Favorite Summon/D-Link
8. Favorite World

9. Favorite Team-Up
10. Happiest Scene
11. Saddest Scene
12. Favorite Final Fantasy Cameo

13. Favorite Nobody
14. Favorite Heartless
15. Favorite Unversed

16. Favorite World Form Change
17. Favorite Drive and/or Command Style
18. Most Frustrating Mini Game
19. Least Favorite Boss Battle
20. Favorite Boss Battle
21. Favorite Opening Animation
22. Favorite Pairing
23. Prefered Incarnation of Xehanort
24. Prefered Incarnation of Sora
25. Favorite Birth By Sleep Armor
26. Favorite Princess of Heart
27. Preferred Fighting Style (attack/sword, defense/shield, magic/wand)
28. Final Fantasy character you'd most like to see
29. World/Disney Character you would most like to see
30. Biggest Wish for KH3

meme a gogo baby

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