Title: Snog Bite
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel and Harry Potter
Pairings: Hermione/Oz
Rating: PG-13
Warnings/Spoilers: Menton of Snogging. Language.
Summary: Oz hadn't meant to do it... he hadn't been able to control himself.
Notes: Written for my 40 Days of Drabbles. Written for
25crossovers prompt Forgiveness and written for
crossovers100 prompt Club. First Hermione/Oz fic. This may or may not turn into a series.
...Hermione Table... ] [
...HP Table... ]
“I’m so sorry!” Oz shouted, moving to help the woman with the bite he gave her. “Damn it, I usually have better control than this.”
“No, it’s fine… you barely broke any skin.” Hermione stated, trying to calm the man before her. They had just started to get really into a snog when all of a sudden he bit her. She didn’t mind exactly - it didn’t hurt as much as she thought it would, but it did sort of kill the mood (or at least his panic really did).
“No, you don’t understand.” Oz pulled back, grabbing his hair in frustration. “Shit, how the hell am I supposed to tell you? You won’t believe me.”
Something was nagging at the back of her mind at his words. “What do you mean? Trust me… I can believe in a lot of things.”
“Can we go somewhere more private?” Oz asked, gesturing towards the exit. Wanting to know why he was so upset, Hermione agreed and followed him out of the club.
“What’s wrong?”
Oz turned away from her in frustration. He didn’t want to do this… All he wanted to do was go out with her - to kiss her. She didn’t deserve this curse. He hadn’t wanted to turn her - she was smart, funny, nice, understanding and different than the other girls (including Willow). He knew she was really smart and sensible… she wouldn’t believe what he was going to stay. “I’m a werewolf.”
Hermione’s eyes widened in surprise and her mouth dropped open shock. She brought her fingers down to the bit on her neck. She cursed as she realized what had been nagging at her. “Bloody hell!”
Oz turned to face her, and was surprised to find that she wasn’t looking at him like he was crazy and she wasn’t running away.
“I’m going to be a werewolf than?”
Oz silently nodded.
“Well… I hadn’t expected that.” Hermione joked, her voice higher than normal.